From the Worldwide Faith News archives


Date 01 Nov 1999 10:04:41


$1 Million Supports American Baptist Campaign

Office of Communication  
American Baptist Churches USA 
P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851 
Phone: (610)768-2077 / Fax: (610)768-2320 
Richard W. Schramm, Director 

$1-Million Gifts Support American Baptist Campaign

 Two pledges of $1 million each have been received in 
support of the American Baptist Churches USA "New 
Christians, New Churches, New Century" campaign.  The $7.5-
million endeavor is the initial financial step in supporting 
a major church planting effort in the new century.  The 
denominational emphasis NEW LIFE 2010 has established a goal 
of planting 1,010 new churches, reaching 1,000,010 new 
believers and vitalizing a multitude of caring ministries by 
the year 2010. 
 A gift of $1 million has been committed to by Emily 
Fisher of New York City, according to American Baptist 
Churches USA General Secretary Daniel E. Weiss.
 "Emily Fisher has a vision for establishing new 
churches who will hold to historic Baptist principles and 
values and who are prepared to minister effectively and 
creatively in a new century," Weiss noted.  "Her commitment 
comes as a challenge gift.  With it she hopes to encourage 
other persons to give generously so that the goal of 
planting 1,010 American Baptist churches by the year 2010 
will become a reality," Weiss said.
 The Fisher gift will include $750,000 for direct 
support of new churches, including grants for new church 
planters/pastors and for maintaining congregational health.  
The remaining $250,000 will be directed toward national 
missionary initiatives to help pilot experimental ministries 
and partnership programs with regions. 
 Emily Fisher, who grew up in the parsonage of The 
Second Baptist Church of Germantown in Philadelphia, Pa., 
serves as a trustee of several not-for-profit organizations 
and is a member of Judson Memorial Church in New York City.  
Her father, the Rev. Dr. V. Carney Hargroves, was a 
prominent American Baptist pastor and denominational leader 
who served as president of the Baptist World Alliance and 
the American Baptist Convention.
 A pledge of up to $1 million has been received from 
Bob and Pat Kern of Waukesha, Wis., to fund a Church 
Planters' Institute, according to the Rev. Cheryl Dudley, 
associate executive director for Home Mission Development 
with National Ministries, American Baptist Churches USA.
 Designed as a two-year process with four one-week 
sessions, the Church Planters' Institute will be held 
beginning in April 2000 at the American Baptist Conference 
Center in Green Lake, Wis.  Up to 200 church planters per 
year will be trained to help meet the American Baptist NEW 
LIFE 2010 goal of planting 1,010 churches by the year 2010.
  "Bob and Pat Kern have a very deep concern for the 
development of quality pastoral leadership in the American 
Baptist family," said Kenneth Giacoletto, chair of the 
American Baptist New Church Planting Council.  "When 
approached about the idea of a Church Planters' Institute 
they were immediately interested in providing support."
 Transformational leadership skills training at the 
Institute will be presented by experienced church planters, 
region staff and National Ministries New Church Planting 
staff.  In addition an ongoing support system will be 
initiated to strengthen the new pastoral leaders in their 
day-to-day ministry.
  "The gift from the Kernses reflects the true 
evangelistic spirit that is in the American Baptist family,” 
said the Rev. Michael Cox, director for New Church Planting 
for National Ministries.  "Many people have been waiting for 
this opportunity to reach the unchurched in America. This 
gift challenges all of us to look at how we can participate--
with prayer, building relationships with the unchurched, 
and giving of our resources."
 Those interested in more information about the 
campaign may contact Dudley, who is coordinating the 
campaign, at 1-800-ABC-3USA/ext. 2420.



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