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NCCCUSA Hails New Global Sullivan Principles

Date 02 Nov 1999 07:30:40

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
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Contact: NCC News, 212-870-2227



 November 2, 1999, NEW YORK - New "Global Sullivan Principles" 
for corporations, announced today, outline "exactly the kind of 
challenge companies should strive to meet," said the Rev. Dr. Joan 
B. Campbell, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, 
in a statement welcoming the principles.

 These principles call on global corporations "to seek a higher 
goal than simply creating profits," she said.  "Rather corporate 
conduct needs to be grounded in universal human rights and respect 
for the environment, employees and communities" whenever they do 
business around the globe.

 The new "Global Sullivan Principles," announced this morning 
at the United Nations, were drawn up by the Rev. Dr. Leon H. 
Sullivan, who said he worked with a group of multinational 
corporations from three continents and a business association from 
Latin America to create the principles.  "Throughout the process," 
he said, "input and support was sought and received from a broad 
group of NGOs, intergovernmental organizations and national 

 Companies are asked to commit to eight principles, with the 
following stated objectives: "to support economic, social and 
political justice by companies where they do business; to support 
human rights and to encourage equal opportunity at all levels of 
employment, including racial and gender diversity on decision making 
committees and boards; to train and advance disadvantaged workers 
for technical, supervisory and management opportunities; and to 
assist with greater tolerance and understanding among peoples; 
thereby, helping to improve the quality of life for communities, 
workers and children with dignity and equality."

 The National Council of Churches and other religious groups 
have been pressing companies to change their policies and practices 
along this line for the last decade using their moral voice and 
leverage as shareholders.  Numerous companies have begun responding 
to such initiatives.  The full text of Dr. Campbell's statement 
Statement by Dr. Joan Brown Campbell,  General Secretary
The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.

On the occasion of the official announcement of the Global Sullivan 
Principles presided over by His Excellency Kofi Annan, Secretary 
General of the United Nations

The official announcement of the Global Sullivan Principles at the 
United Nations today is a welcome and significant development.  
These Principles reflect the goals and aspirations of Dr. Sullivan 
for global corporations wherever they do business around the globe.  
They call on corporations to seek a higher goal than simply building 
profits.  Rather corporate conduct needs to be grounded in universal 
human rights and ask with respect for the environment, employees and 
communities according to these Principles.  

These Global Principles properly set standards that are both moral 
and achievable.  For example, they ask companies endorsing the 
Principles to "compensate our employees to enable them to meet at 
least their basic human needs and provide the opportunity to improve 
their skill and capability in order to raise their social and 
economic opportunities."

This is exactly the kind of challenge companies should strive to 
meet.  It is a disgrace when apparel, footwear, toy or electronic 
companies pay a poverty wage that does not allow an employee to 
adequately feed, clothe, or house their families.  And unfortunately 
too many prestigious international companies still pay such poverty 

Sincere commitment by global corporations to the Global Sullivan 
Principles and the spirit that motivates them will be demonstrated 
by actions such as the following:

- Corporate transparency with meaningful reporting on actions taken.
- A corporate plan of action to translate these Principles into 
meaningful policies and practices that affect decisions from 
headquarters to local plants.
- An openness to independent monitoring, opening factory doors to 
outside review.

If companies grasp this challenge and build effective plans of 
action along these lines the spirit of the Global Sullivan 
Principles will move toward reality.

I salute Dr. Sullivan for his leadership and endless energy in 
promulgating and pursuing these principles. 


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