From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Royal Mail uses well-known artists - and sometimes even a loving cup

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 09 Nov 1999 11:47:51

Nov. 9, 1999  News media contact: Linda Bloom·(212)870-3803·New York

NOTE:  This is a sidebar to UMNS story #598.

By Kathleen LaCamera*

LONDON (UMNS) -- Britain's Royal Mail is a world leader in stamp design and
puts significant time and resources into the commissioning and production of
its stamps.

Internationally known artists such as Brody Neuenschwander and David Hockney
are among the many who created this year's 48 new stamps celebrating the
events that have shaped the people of Britain this millennium. An exhibition
at the British Library entitled "Post Impressions" displays the entire
collection of millennium stamps along with items relating to the subjects
that inspired them. The exhibition will run through Jan. 18, 2000.

The curator of the museum at Wesley Chapel, Noorah Al-gailani, lent the
British Library several items for the display accompanying the "Wesley"
stamp. They include a china teapot designed by Wedgewood for Wesley, a
clock, a Wesley Chapel loving cup and some "scripture playing cards" (with a
hymn verse on one side and a Bible verse on the other) for the particularly
pious drawing room game player.  

"The Christian's Tale" series -- including stamps entitled "Wesley," "The
King James Bible," "St. Andrews Pilgrimage" and "First Christmas" -- is
available in a presentation pack that includes background information about
each stamp. The pack costs £1.90 (about US$3) and can be purchased by
contacting the Royal Mail by phone: 011 44 131 550 8989; or fax: 011 44 131
550 8501.      
# # #

*LaCamera is a United Methodist News Service correspondent based in England.

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