From the Worldwide Faith News archives

CIBL Nigerian delegates lose money to Chadian rebels

Date 10 Nov 1999 14:41:36

One man was shot, another was killed

WITTENBERG, Germany/GENEVA, 27 October 1999 (lwi) - Robbery was the
motive and Naomi Rahila Steven and Naomi Hudson Martin were victims of a
highway robbery as they started their journey from Jos, Nigeria to
Wittenberg, Germany. The two pastors from the Lutheran Church of Christ
in Nigeria (LCCN) and delegate representatives to the Conference of
International Black Lutherans (CIBL) at the Leucorea along with over 30
others were detained up to six hours on the first leg of their journey
to Wittenberg. "Living close to a border means that you have these kind
of things happening" stated Naomi Martin. "The Chadians needed money for
their war effort."

It was not a simple robbery though, as two men were shot by the freedom
fighters. One man died at the scene and one had a serious eye injury.
Upon their arrival in Lagos, missionaries there assisted pastors Steven
and Martin with the necessary money for travel visas and travel money.

At the Women's Pre-conference of CIBL an offering was taken to assist
the two African delegates who had arrived safely in Germany after a
harrowing start to their trip to discuss justification in a continually
changing world. The prayers in worship also included prayers of
thanksgiving for the travelers, prayers of healing for the wounded and
for the families of those who lost their lives as well as prayers for
forgiveness for those the robbers.

Nigeria's north-eastern neighbor, Chad has been torn by intermittent
periods of civil war since independence from France in 1960.

(By Richard Stewart
Wittenberg, Germany)

*       *       *
Lutheran World Information
Assistant Editor, English: Pauline Mumia

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