From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Colourful ceremony marks signing of "Joint Declaration"

Date 10 Nov 1999 14:43:45

A moment of great joy

AUGSBURG, Germany/GENEVA, 31 October 1999 (lwi) - Following a procession
that began from the Roman Catholic Cathedral through the city of
Augsburg, the "Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" was
signed at the Lutheran Church of St. Anna in Augsburg during an
ecumenical worship service that focussed on baptism, and the very
sacrament of justification, with special reference to present and future

Following the reading of the Official Common Statement of the "Joint
Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" by the Lutheran World
Federation (LWF) General Secretary Dr. Ishmael Noko and the Pontifical
Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) President Edward Idris
Cardinal Cassidy the historic moment had come.

At  about 11.30 a.m the LWF President Bishop Christian Krause and the
PCPCU President Cardinal Cassidy rose from their seats and proceeded to
a table placed specially on one side of the pulpit and endorsed the
first joint signatures by the LWF and the Roman Catholic Church on the
Official Common Statement of the "Joint Declaration."

They were followed by the LWF General Secretary Dr. Ishmael Noko
together with Bishop Walter Casper, the Secretary of the PCPCU, both of
whom after putting their signatures on the Official Common Statement
could not hide their joy as they embraced each other warmly to the
applause of the congregation.

Then followed six other signatories from the LWF namely, Dr. Sigrun
Mogedal, the Federation's Treasurer, from the Church of Norway;
Vice-Presidents Ms Parmata Ishaya, Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria
(LCCN); the Rev. Dr. Prasanna Kumari, Arcot Lutheran Church, India;
Bishop Julius Filo, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in the
Slovak Republic; President Huberto Kirchheim, Evangelical Church of the
Lutheran Confession in Brazil and Bishop H. George Anderson, Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), in a ceremony that in total lasted
four minutes and seven seconds.

St. Anna's Lutheran church was not just a scene and symbol of a unity in
reconciled diversity because of the signing of the "Joint Declaration"
and the unity Christians are seeking in Christ Jesus but also because of
the variety of colour displayed by members of the congregation, and the
Bible readings and liturgy during the joint ecumenical worship service
that were read in different languages including German, English,
Portuguese, Italian and Hausa.

After the signing, journalists had a chance to pose questions to some of
the signatories including the three women representatives of the LWF--
Dr. SigrunMogedal, Ms Parmata Ishaya and Rev. Dr. Prasanna Kumari, who
in many ways and words expressed what the historic signing meant for
them especially in the context of the regions they represent.

 The three ladies expressed profound joy at having been part of the
history- making process in the dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans
and hoped that this will bring forth further discussions, agreements and
enriching experiences. Rev. Dr. Kumari, a theologian teaching New
Testament in India, said she felt humbled, greatly moved and hopeful
that this would send a sign of working together as churches, especially
in India where Christians form 2.6 percent of the population of one
billion people. Ms Ishaya spoke of the  ongoing collaboration among
Catholics and Protestants in her country especially through the
Christian Council of Nigeria where both churches are represented.

(The LWF is a global communion of 128 member churches in 70 countries
representing 58 million of the world's 61.5 million Lutherans. Its
highest decision-making body is the Assembly, held every six or seven
years. Between Assemblies, the LWF is governed by a 49-member Council
which meets annually, and by its Executive Committee.)

[Lutheran World Information is the information service of the Lutheran
World Federation (LWF). Unless specifically noted, material presented
does not represent positions or opinions of the LWF or of its various
units. Where the dateline of an article contains the notation (lwi), the
material may be freely reproduced with acknowledgment.]

*       *       *
Lutheran World Information
Assistant Editor, English: Pauline Mumia

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