From the Worldwide Faith News archives

NCC Honors Local Ecumenical, Interfaith Efforts

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date 10 Nov 1999 19:24:58

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Office of News Services
Contact: NCC News, 212-870-2227
	50th Anniversary Newsroom
	Cleveland - Nov. 8-12, 1999 call 216-696-8490


CLEVELAND, Nov. 10, 1999 - The National Council of Churches, meeting here 
in its 50th anniversary year, has recognized seven ecumenical and 
interfaith agencies in cities across the United States for their creative 
approach to service.  The annual awards, presented at a ceremony today, 
honored work in the areas of support for school children, coordination of 
interfaith response following disasters, long-term care for the aging, and 
work against racism and for inter-group understanding.

"These Ecumenical/Interfaith Service Awards acknowledge the efforts of 
people seeking unity through innovative and caring ministries that bring 
hope and justice while building new relationships," said Ms. Barbara 
George, NCC Ecumenical Networks Director, presenting the awards.  "The NCC 
honors these efforts with the confidence that others will be inspired to 
creative models in communities across the country."

The NCC established the Ecumenical/Interfaith Service Awards in 1991 to 
encourage projects that respond to human need and promote 
unity.  Nominations are sought broadly, Ms. George said.  The selections 
are recommended by the NCC Ecumenical Networks Working Group.

"Ecumenical and inter-religious organizations at the grassroots are in a 
position to get a clear view of problems and potentials in their 
communities," Ms. George said.  "They bring to their work a clear vision of 
what God wills for creation."  Last year's awards were given to agencies 
working in the areas of family violence, emergency nutrition, religious 
freedom, disaster recovery, hate crimes, HIV/AIDS education, after-school 

The "1998 Ecumenical Service Awards" honorees are:

· Caring Hands School Supply Program, carried out by Bear Creek Assistance 
Ministries, Houston, Texas, which in 1998 provided 1,800 children with 
school supplies, clothes, shoes, haircuts and vision and dental screening.

· East Side, West Side Project, an ecumenical program in central Fort 
Wayne, Ind., that brings together children and families from diverse 
racial, economic and cultural backgrounds for safe, structured activities 
that encourage growth.

· Florida Interfaith Networking in Disaster, a program of the Florida 
Council of Churches that brings order to the communication and cooperation 
efforts of the faith community's response to natural disasters.

· Interfaith Mission Service of Huntsville, Ala., produced "Showing 
Southern Hospitality: Guidelines for Respecting Religious Diversity in Our 
Community." The booklet provides information on how to address a variety of 
topics from various faith perspectives.

· Interfaith Sisterhood Dialogue of Metropolitan Atlanta, a gathering of 
lay, clergy and professional women who share common threads in family, 
faith and the concerns of everyday living.

· Long-term Care Ombudsman Program is a volunteer effort of the Southwest 
Missouri Office on Aging and the Council of Churches of the Ozarks, 
Springfield, Mo.  The program provides about 2,800 nursing home residents 
with regular visits and advocacy assistance.  The program is open to 
volunteers from all faiths and ethnic backgrounds.

· The Racial Healing Institute, an annual conference sponsored by the 
Columbus Community Relations Commission, Columbus, Ohio.  The event reaches 
out to Central Ohio and contiguous states and helps professionals and the 
faith community to address racism in their places of work, communities and 
homes.  The 1998 conference drew 125 participants.  The 1999 conference 
worked under the theme, "To Healing from Hate, New Paradigms."


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