From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Lutherans Support Disaster Relief Work in India, Mexico, Taiwan

From News News <NEWS@ELCA.ORG>
Date 12 Nov 1999 00:01:27


November 11, 1999


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- In response to disasters in India, Mexico and
Taiwan, members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) are
sending $150,000 to the church's International Disaster Response to
support relief work in those countries.
     Coordinated through the ELCA Division for Global Mission (DGM),
International Disaster Response provides funds for food, medicine,
drinking water, emergency shelter and other materials and supplies.
Funds are used to rebuild communities and repair structures destroyed by
major disasters.
     "Two cyclones hit the coastal regions of Orissa and West Bengal,
India, on Oct. 18 and 29, respectively," said the Rev. Y. Franklin
Ishida, ELCA director for international communication, DGM.
     The second cyclone caused extensive damage in 10 districts in the
capital of Orissa, Ishida said.  The human death toll is 1,500 and
rising.  At least 13 million people have been affected.  The cyclone
flattened thousands of homes, uprooted trees and disrupted road and rail
transportation, he said.
     International Disaster Response provided an initial $100,000 in
response to an appeal for $606,140 issued by Action by Churches Together
(ACT).  Funds from the appeal will support recovery efforts in India.
     ACT is a worldwide network of churches and related agencies
meeting human need through coordinated emergency response.  It is based
with the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and World Council of Churches
(WCC) in Geneva, Switzerland.  The ELCA is a member of the LWF and WCC.
     "ACT, LWF/World Service-India and the United Evangelical Lutheran
Church in India immediately rushed relief materials to some of the worst
affected locations and proposed to continue its relief efforts," Ishida
     Southeastern Mexico was hit by Tropical Storm San Francisco on
Oct. 10-14.  The storm caused serious damage in rural areas, said
Ishida.  "Crops have been destroyed, including 60 to 70 percent of corn
and fruit trees."
     "Storm-affected communities are isolated by the lack of
transportation," said Ishida.  With bridges destroyed, relief workers
are having difficulty reaching victims and survivors, he said.
     The Mexican Association for Rural and Urban Transformation
(AMEXTRA), a church-related development agency supported in part by the
ELCA, has made a special appeal to the church for extra support
following the storm, Ishida said.  ELCA International Disaster Response
sent $15,000 to support AMEXTRA's recovery efforts in southeastern
Mexico following the storm.
           An earthquake of magnitude 7.6 struck Taiwan on Sept. 21. The
epicenter of the earthquake was Nantou, which is located 120 miles south
of the capital of Taipei.
     Rescue efforts have been hampered by strong aftershocks; some
registered a magnitude of 6.1.  The aftershocks have triggered massive
mudslides in the region and have caused cracks in the Sun Moon Lake
     More than 2,000 people lost their lives and thousands were injured
from collapsed buildings and landslides, said the Rev. David Chen,
Taiwanese Lutheran Church, San Diego, Calif.  Chen is president of the
ELCA Association of Asian and Pacific Islanders.
      The earthquake is "the most powerful in Taiwan's recorded
history," said the Rev. Wendell Friest, Truth Lutheran Church, Taipei,
Taiwan.  "The people of Taiwan are pulling together wonderfully to help
each other, and the Christians are at the forefront of the effort."
     Reports received from ELCA missionaries in Taiwan said that all
missionaries were fine. Many people have taken refuge in churches due to
the destruction of their homes.
     ELCA International Disaster Response sent $35,000 to Taiwan
Lutheran Church for relief assistance.


Editors:  When listing organizations receiving funds for aid to
survivors of major disasters outside the United States, Puerto Rico or
the U.S. Virgin Islands, please include:

Lutheran World Relief
PO Box 17061
Baltimore, MD 21298-9832

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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