From the Worldwide Faith News archives

United Methodist Church Foundation moves forward

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 20 Nov 1999 10:07:23

Nov. 19, 1999	News media contact: Joretta Purdue·(202)546-8722·Washington

ROSEMONT, Ill. (UMNS) - The United Methodist Church Foundation developed a
budget and conducted other business in the first face-to-face meeting of its
board of directors Nov. 11-12.

The board has previously met three times by conference call and began the
search for an executive director during that time.  Mission and vision
statements were adopted during a fall conference call, calling it to
encourage stewardship as a way of life and to uphold the missions and
ministries of the denomination.

During the subsequent meeting of the General Council of Finance and
Administration (GCFA), the council approved the foundation budget and the
transfer of some funds to the foundation for management and amended
foundation by-laws at the request of the foundation.

"We recognize there is a tremendous transfer of wealth about to occur in the
next 20 years, and we believe the church should be in a position to allow
people to endow general church mission areas," Cashar Evans, president of
the foundation.  GCFA established the foundation a year ago after a study
team reported favorably on the concept.

At their meeting here, the foundation directors looked at concerns regarding
the name of the foundation that had been raised by the National Association
of United Methodist Foundations but decided to retain the name. They did
agree to consider adding descriptive or clarifying language in the future.

"We are very clear that there are a number of foundations existing
throughout the denomination. We do not view ourselves as competing with
any," Evans said. "We do not see ourselves in anyway taking funds that would
be more appropriately received and invested at the annual conference level."

The 18-member board, elected by GCFA at its May meeting, is ethnically and
geographically diverse and includes people with a variety of professional or
vocational experiences, Evans said. The president, or other officer, of GCFA
and its chief executive officer hold seats on the board now and in the
future. Currently Bishop Richard C. Looney is GCFA president, and Sandra
Kelley Lackore is GCFA general secretary and treasurer.

It is planned that the foundation's office will be located at 1200 Davis
Street, Evanston, Ill., so that it may draw on technical support and
resources of GCFA, already located there.

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