From the Worldwide Faith News archives

'Mandela' church on Robben Island reconsecrated

From Worldwide Faith News <>
Date 24 Nov 1999 09:50:13

November 24 1999

Cape Town - The historic Church of the Good Shepherd on Robben Island,
where a generation of South African political prisoners worshipped, has
been reconsecrated.

Robben Island, some 3 miles from Cape Town, was first used as a prison by
the early Dutch settlers. It was later used as a leper colony, before
becoming the place where Nelson Mandela and countless other South African
and Namibian political prisoners were gaoled by the apartheid authorities
until the early 1990's. Only government approved ministers were allowed to
conduct services on the island when it was a prison.Today the island is a a
National Monument and the gaol a museum.

Visitors to the Island are given guided tours, and can see the actual cell
where Mandela was confined for over twenty years.

The Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, Most Rev Njongonkulu Ndungane
reconsecrated the restored church in mid November. Regular services will
resume next year.

Rev Dave Wanless - Coordinator: Ecumenical News Network southern Africa
Tel & Fax: +27 (21) 683-9665
Cell: 082 958-6482

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