From the Worldwide Faith News archives

December consultation will focus on Scripture

From NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
Date 24 Nov 1999 12:42:16

Nov. 24, 1999 News media contact: Linda Bloom·(212) 870-3803·New York

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) - Some of the United Methodist Church's leading
thinkers will grapple with the issue of biblical authority during a December
consultation on "Authority of Scripture and the Nature of Revelation."

About 30 invited participants will gather at the United Methodist Board of
Discipleship Learning Center in Nashville for the event, which will begin at
noon Dec. 7 and conclude at noon on Dec. 9. The Board of Discipleship and
United Methodist Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns
are sponsoring the consultation. 

Speakers and their presentation topics are the Rev. Scott Jones, Perkins
School of Theology, on "John Wesley and Biblical Authority"; the Rev. Delwin
Brown, Iliff School of Theology, on "Revelation and Biblical Authority"; the
Rev. David Lull, Bible Translation Unit, National Council of Churches, on
"Biblical Authority from a Translation Perspective"; the Rev. Rebekah Miles,
Perkins, on "Biblical Authority as it Shapes Cultures"; the Rev. Wesley
Ariarajah, Theological School at Drew University, on "Biblical Authority in
a Non-Western Context"; and the Rev. Bruce Robbins, chief executive,
Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, on "Summing Up
the Discussion."

The Revs. Dan Benedict, a Board of Discipleship executive, and Joy Moore,
Asbury Theological Seminary, designed and will lead the worship and Bible

A written compilation of the presentations will be published at a later

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