From the Worldwide Faith News archives

First meeting of the Lutheran-Reformed working group

Date 29 Nov 1999 05:45:44


Focus on the relationship between the two world communions 
GENEVA, 29 November 1999 (lwi) - One of the issues that a recently established
joint Lutheran-Reformed working group will concentrate on is the question of
the programmatic collaboration between the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and
the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC).  
Established by the LWF General Secretary and WARC Executive Committee this
year, the group held its first meeting early November in Geneva, Switzerland.
Among other issues to be discussed by the group in its subsequent meetings is
a fuller survey of the development of Lutheran-Reformed relations worldwide;
the question of the binding character of ecumenical commitments; and in the
light of regional agreements spanning more than a quarter of a century, "a
fuller description of the communion that we now seek at the international
During their first meeting, participants presented reports and assessments
pertaining to Lutheran-Reformed relations from the perspective of their region
and their particular vantage points. The working group comprises 11
participants bringing together six Lutherans and five Reformed members. The
co-chairpersons are Bishop Guy Edmiston, Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA), and Prof. Dr. Jane Dempsey Douglass, Presbyterian Church (U.
S. A.).  
The group will meet annually over the years 1999-2001, and submit at the
conclusion of its work a report with recommendations to the LWF and WARC
regarding the relationship between the two world communions.  
According to Rev. Sven Oppegaard, Assistant General Secretary for Ecumenical
Affairs and co-secretary for the working group on the Lutheran side, this
meeting represents a fine start in the work of this group. The various issues
that will need to be worked on were carefully identified and the discussions
were very constructive. The co-secretary on the Reformed side is Rev. P raic R
amonn, the WARC Communications Secretary.  
*       *       * 
The LWF is a global communion of 128 member churches in 70 countries
representing 58 million of the world's 61.5 million Lutherans. Its highest
decision making body is the Assembly, held every six or seven years. Between
Assemblies, the LWF is governed by a 49-member Council which meets annually,
and its Executive Committee. The LWF secretariat is located in Geneva,
*       *       * 
Lutheran World Information 
Assistant Editor, English: Pauline Mumia 

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