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Eugene Wehrli dies, was Eden Seminary president and revered Bible

Date 02 Mar 2000 07:00:32

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February 7, 2000
Office of Communication
United Church of Christ
William C. Winslow, press contact
On the Web:  <>

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=97The Rev. Eugene S. Wehrli died Saturday, February 5, of
complications from non-smokers lung cancer. He was 76.

Dr. Wehrli was the 11th president of Eden Theological Seminary from 198=
6 to
1993 and professor of New Testament from 1960 to 1986. He was one of th=
most respected Scripture teachers in the United Church of Christ.

The son of Dr. Allen and Cornelia Wehrli, Wehrli was born and raised on=
Eden campus where his father was a member of the Eden faculty. Wehrli
received his A.B. degree from UCC-related Oberlin College in 1943 and t=
returned to Eden Seminary to obtain his Bachelor of Divinity in 1948. H=
was ordained a minister in the United Church of Christ in 1947 and earn=
his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1951.

After serving as instructor of religion at Cedar Crest College and then=
head of the religion department at UCC-related Elmhurst College, Dr. We=
was called to join the Eden Faculty in 1960. During his tenure at Eden,=
held the distinguished position of Evangelical professor of biblical
interpretation, served as acting academic dean and dean of student affa=
and ultimately became president.

"Gene Wehrli was one of the finest teachers in the United Church of
Christ," said the Rev. David Greenhaw, Eden=92s current president. "He =
was a
committed church person whose leadership strengthened both the seminary=
the church ecumenical. He loved the church perhaps more than anyone I h=
ever known."

The Rev. John H. Thomas, United Church of Christ president, said, "In e=
aspect of his life Gene was our beloved teacher, enriching the soul of =
church. He will be remembered as a son of the Evangelical tradition and=
Eden Seminary campus, an insightful student of the Scriptures, a marvel=
teacher and caring administrator, a wise and irenic pastor, and a dear
friend."  In addition to his role as teacher, Dr. Wehrli served the Uni=
Church of Christ and its agencies on various committees and boards. Up
until his death, he was a member of the Board for Emmaus Homes and Good=

Samaritan Homes in St. Louis. He also served on the Commission on Highe=
Education, the Board for Homeland Ministries, the Long-Range Planning
Committee, the United Church of Christ Neighborhood Houses, and the
Commission on Worship.

Dr. Wehrli was the author of numerous books including Gifted by Their
Spirit: Leadership Roles in the New Testament, Exploring the Parables, =
The Shape of Hope.

Wehrli married his wife, Clara Louise "Lolly" Wehrli, in 1947. He was t=
father of five children, and grandfather of eight grandchildren.

A memorial service to celebrate the life and ministry of Dr. Wehrli wil=
l be
held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 13, at Evangelical United Church of Christ,=
East Lockwood, Saint Louis. A reception will follow in Fellowship Hall.=

Memorial gifts may be given to Eden Theological Seminary, 475 East
Lockwood, Saint Louis, MO 63119.

The United Church of Christ, with national offices in Cleveland, has so=
1.4 million members and 6,000 congregations in the United States and Pu=
Rico.  It was formed by the 1957 union of the Congregational Christian
Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church.


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