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Services pending for Jack Suggs, Disciples educator and pastor
"Office of Communications"<>
02 Mar 2000 08:56:02
Date: March 2, 2000
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Clifford L. Willis
INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) -- Funeral services for the Rev. M. Jack Suggs, 75,
will be at 2 p.m., March 3, at University Christian Church in Fort Worth.
Burial will be private.
Suggs was a retired dean and professor at Brite Divinity School, Texas
Christian University, Fort Worth. He died Feb. 27. Memorial contributions
may be made to the Ruth and Jack Suggs Ministerial Education Fund at TCU.
The Rev. M. Jack Suggs was born June 5, 1924, and married Ruth (Barge)
Suggs, who survives. Other survivors include a daughter, Adena Beck, and
sons, James R. and David Suggs. Jack Suggs also was the brother of the
Rev. James C. Suggs, Carlsbad, Calif., retired president of Christian
Board of Publication.
A veteran Disciples of Christ pastor, Jack Suggs served congregations in
Texas and North Carolina. He was a frequent keynoter at Disciples-related
convention meetings and ministers' gatherings. He also served on the
Commission on Ministry for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in
the Southwest and the International Disciples of Christ-Roman Catholic
Bilateral Dialogue.
In the ecumenical and higher education communities, he was active with
Phi Beta Kappa, the American Academy of Religion, and the Society of
Biblical Literature. Suggs was published in several scholarly journals and
wrote five books. The most recent was The Oxford Study Bible: Revised
English Bible With the Apocrypha, which he edited in 1992.
Jack Suggs earned degrees from the University of Texas at Austin (1946)
and Brite Divinity School at TCU (1949). He was ordained in 1948. Suggs
earned a doctor of philosophy degree in 1954 from Duke University, Durham,
N.C. He received TCU's Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1973.
Suggs was an active member of University Christian Church in Fort Worth.
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