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CWS Responds To Southern Africa Floods

Date 02 Mar 2000 12:41:46

National Council of The Churches of Christ in the USA
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Contact: NCC News, 212-870-2227


CWS Helps Partners in Mozambique and Other Flood-Affected 
Countries to Respond

 March 2, 2000, NEW YORK ---- Emergency response is 
critical and restoration needs will be enormous following 
the cyclone, rains and flooding that are battering 
Mozambique and other southern African countries.  

Church World Service (CWS) is assisting its partners, 
including the Mozambique Council of Churches, to respond and 
is conducting an on-the-ground assessment to identify 
further needs and long-term recovery strategies.

 "There are cities and district capitals which are 
totally immersed," reported Titos Macie of the Mozambique 
Council of Churches, Maputo, in a fax today to CWS Africa 
Office Director Willis Logan.  Mr. Macie listed several: 
Chokwe and Xai-Xai in Gaza, Machanga and Buzi in Sofala, 
Nova Mambone in Inhambane.  Hundreds of thousands of people 
are affected.

 Mr. Macie noted the rising number of human deaths, 
along with loss of crops, livestock and game, and said, 
"Before the last flooding over the last weekend that 
worsened the already bad or critical situation, it was 
estimated that the country would need two and one-half years 
to rebuild the destruction."

 "The problem is it continues to rain and they are 
expecting another big storm," said Mr. Logan of CWS, the 
National Council of Churches' emergency response, human 
development and refugee assistance ministry.  "The loss of 
life and infrastructure, including roads, will be a 
tremendous setback for a country that was one of the most 
successful economic stories of 1999."

 After suffering torrential rain storms followed by the 
deluge of Cyclone Eline, Mozambique continues to endure 
severe flooding from dams in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The 
cyclone has also affected South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, 
Namibia and Madagascar.  Over 800,000 people have already 
been affected throughout the region in what has been deemed 
the worst flooding in the region in decades.  Aid workers 
say cholera, malaria and meningitis are looming as serious 
problems in flood-affected regions.

 CWS has made a $10,000 contribution for blankets in 
response to the Mozambique Council of Churches' initial 
appeal for help.  While CWS currently is seeking $200,000 
for initial response across the region, an enlarged appeal 
is anticipated.

CWS consultant Ivan Dekam, from Grand Rapids, Mich., a 
member of the Christian Reformed Church of North America, 
leaves this weekend for Mozambique and South Africa to 
provide support and evaluate further needs.

"The real work will start after the water recedes," Mr. 
Logan said.  "That's when we'll see the full extent of the 
destruction.  Restoration needs will be enormous." 

Contributions for relief and reconstruction efforts may 
be sent to CHURCH WORLD SERVICE, Attn. Southern Africa 
Flooding, #976416, P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN 46515.  Phone 
pledges or credit card donations: 1-800-297-1516, ext. 222.  
On-line contributions to:

 CWS also encourages additional support through the 
Action by Churches Together (ACT) appeal #AFSA01 in the 
amount of $150,000, designated to the South African Council 
of Churches (SACC).


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