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Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Rushes Aid to Mozambique

Date 02 Mar 2000 20:07:33

    Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Rushes Aid to Mozambique 
    by Jerry L. Van Marter 
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - An initial donation of $100,000 has been rushed to 
Mozambique by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) to aid rescue efforts. 
    Since late February, flood waters have devastated Mozambique, killing 
tens of thousands and leaving hundreds of thousands clinging to floating 
debris or perched in tree tops. 
    PDA has been guided in its response by PC(USA) mission co-worker Mark 
Gordon, who is also serving in Mozambique on behalf of the Presbyterian 
Church in Canada.  The PDA contribution was sent to Action by Churches 
Together (ACT), an Geneva-based ecumenical agency co-sponsored by the World 
Council of Churches, the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the 
Lutheran World Federation. 
    Ivan deKamp from Church World Service (CWS), the relief arm of the 
National Council of Churches, has been dispatched to Mozambique to consult 
with the Presbyterian Church of Mozambique and the Mozambique Council of 
Churches on relief needs and efforts.  deKamp previously worked with CWS 
and PDA in developing a relief effort in response to last year's Taiwan 
    A PDA account - PDA #9-2000149 - has been established in Louisville to 
receive contributions for Mozambique relief work.  For more information 
about the situation or on how to contribute to the relief effort, call 
PresbyTel at 1-800-873-3283. 

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