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ADRA Continues Responding To Southern
04 Mar 2000 07:26:10
Africa Flooding
March 5, 2000
Adventist Press Service (APD)
Christian B. Schaeffler, Editor-in-chief
Fax +41-61-261 61 18
CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland
ADRA Continues Responding To Southern Africa
Maputo, Mozambique. The Adventist Development
and Relief Agency (ADRA) continues to respond to
the flooding in southern Africa. ADRA is already
providing relief materials in Mozambique and
Zimbabwe, and is gearing up to respond in
ADRA Mozambique is refocusing its efforts to the
Xinavane region in response to a personal appeal
from the Provincial Governor of Maputo. "In a
meeting with the governor, he made a special
appeal to ADRA to provide assistance to this
region," says Curtis Hesse, ADRA Mozambique
"This area is 140 kilometers (87 miles) north of
Maputo, where more than 28,000 people had their
homes and all their possessions washed away, and
who are stranded out in the open."
As a result, ADRA is planning to airlift by
helicopter approximately 22 tons (20 metric
tonnes) of food by early next week with the
governor's assistance, according to Hesse. "A
road should be open into the area in about a
week," he says. ADRA Mozambique may also
distribute a good portion of the 8,000 family
kits they were assembling for the northern areas
to the Xinavane region. The kits contain three
blankets, two cooking pots, a tarpaulin, two
mosquito nets, and a 20-liter (5.2-gallon) jerry
can container).
ADRA Mozambique already delivered US$25,000 of
food aid in the areas outside Maputo and Motola.
The Eastern Africa Division (EAD) of the Seventh-
day Adventists funded the relief.
ADRA Zimbabwe is responding to the flooding of
the Limpopo River in southern Zimbabwe, which
sent a massive deluge of water down into already-
flooded Mozambique. ADRA sent a truck loaded with
five tons (4.5 metric tonnes) of food, clothing
and blankets to Beitbridge, on the border of the
two countries. ADRA staff set up a distribution
point there with local authorities at a Seventh-
day Adventist church. ADRA Zimbabwe also raised
US$5,000 from local donors, which was matched by
the EAD. The funds will be used for further
relief efforts.
Botswana is also suffering from serious flooding
throughout the southern part of the country,
according to Nick Brightman, ADRAšs Eastern
Africa regional vice president. Remote Area
Dwellers are seriously affected, and the
Adventist church in Botswana is planning its
response to them. More than US$5,000 has been
raised, which the EAD matched.
"Although ADRA does not have an official office
in Botswana, the Adventist church members there
are volunteering through our ADRA office in
Zimbabwe," says Brightman. "Many church members
there are playing a responsible role in this
relief response."
ADRA, is an independent, humanitarian agency
created with the specific purpose of individual
and community development and disaster relief in
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