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Croatia: Adventists Work with Evangelicals and Catholics for Peace

From "Beckett, John" <>
Date 20 Mar 2000 15:36:15

ANN Bulletin
Adventist News Network
Seventh-day Adventist Church World Headquarters
March 14, 2000
Croatia: Adventists Work with Evangelicals and Catholics for Peace
Osijek, Croatia .... [ANN] 

Members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the town of Osijek in eastern
Croatia are working with other Christians, including Evangelicals and Roman
Catholics, to further peace and reconciliation in this previously war-torn

Dr. Wolf, a visiting professor from the United States, held meetings from
March 6-10 in the town to aid the process of rebuilding communities and
resolving conflicts, reports Marijan Persinovic, pastor of an Adventist
Church near Osijek.

"Every morning participants had discussions on the theme of how to help
victims of violence in eastern Slavonia (Croatia), as well those who did
them harm," says Persinovic. "Three Adventist pastors participated in these
conferences and contributed their experiences and emphasized the Biblical
view of forgiveness as the only way to bring a healthy, happy and spiritual
life in the region."

"We appreciated the opportunity to be part of these meetings for
reconciliation," says Damir Super, pastor of the Osijek Adventist Church.
"Changing attitudes and providing a healing climate is so important and
reflects the gospel message."

The three church groups-Adventists, Catholics, and Evangelicals-met together
to pray for peace and for the continuation of the reconciliation process
between all sectors of the community.

"The Seventh-day Adventist Church supports all those who are seeking to
restore harmony and peace to society," says Damir Posavac, communication
director for the Adventist Church in Croatia. "We are encouraged by what is
happening in Osijek and re-commit ourselves to the support of peace. The
Adventist Church around the world has always been committed to the
resolution of conflict through peaceful means." [Jonathan Gallagher]
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General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
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