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ELCA Commission Backs Congregation, Nominates Chadwick

From News News <NEWS@ELCA.ORG>
Date 23 Mar 2000 10:21:51


March 23, 2000


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The steering committee of the Commission for
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) asked the
church to support the efforts of St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church,
St. Paul, Minn., seeking an exception to ELCA rules against ordaining
gay or lesbian Lutherans in homosexual relationships.  The committee
also nominated Joanne Chadwick for re-election as executive director of
the commission when it met here March 10-12.
     The ELCA's 11,000 congregations are organized into 65 synods, each
headed by a bishop.  St. Paul-Reformation is a congregation of the
ELCA's Saint Paul Area Synod.
     On behalf of St. Paul-Reformation, the Saint Paul Area Synod
Council petitioned the ELCA Church Council to amend "Vision and
Expectations," a document the council adopted in 1990.  The Rev. H.
George Anderson, presiding bishop of the ELCA, said "Vision and
Expectations" describes "both the vision for ordained ministry in the
life of this church and the high expectations its members have of those
who serve in this ministry."
     The proposed amendment to "Vision and Expectations" would add two
sentences to its opening section: "Exceptions to the provisions of
'Vision and Expectations' may be granted by the Conference of Bishops.
The Conference of Bishops may consult the Division for Ministry
concerning exceptions it seeks to make."
     The ELCA Church Council will consider the petition when it meets
here April 8-9.  The council's Legal and Constitutional Review Committee
has recommended that the Division for Ministry be asked for a report on
the petition in November 2000.  The division develops standards for
     "Vision and Expectations" states, "Ordained ministers who are
homosexual in their self-understanding are expected to abstain from
homosexual sexual relationships."
     St. Paul-Reformation is seeking an exception for Anita Hill, a lay
minister who has served the congregation for several years and will earn
a master's of divinity degree this year.  The degree is a requirement
for ordination in the ELCA.
     "The steering committee of the Commission for Women of the ELCA
encourages this church as the Body of Christ to support our loving and
courageous brothers and sisters of St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church,
St. Paul, Minn., in their wish to be an authorized exception to 'Vision
and Expectations: Ordained Ministers in the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America," said the committee's resolution.
     "We feel it's important to have an open process and a continuing
conversation," said the Rev. Janet M. Corpus, steering committee chair,
Philadelphia.  An exception would "open up an area of possibility, a
model and an example without everyone having to agree," she said.
     The members of St. Paul-Reformation are "like a scouting party
exploring uncharted territory.  We have something to learn from them,"
said Corpus.  They have been involved in this process "with a lot of
integrity" for many years, she said, "faithful in their relationship to
the larger church, their synod and the ELCA."
     The steering committee also nominated Chadwick for another four-year 
term as executive director of the Commission for Women.  The ELCA
Church Council will elect the executive director at its April meeting.
     "Joanne Chadwick is 100 percent devoted to the work of the
commission and represents us well ... not just throughout our church but
in relation to other churches, nationally and internationally," said
Corpus.  "She strongly represents the mission of the commission and
brings to us insight for our work from all her experience and
     The commission's steering committee plans to hold its next meeting
here Oct. 20-22.  The commission is to help the ELCA "to realize the
full participation of women, to create a safe environment for women and
to advocate justice for women in this church and in society."

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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