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"Presbyterians Today" launches free trial subscription offer

Date 19 Jun 2000 06:46:56

Note #5941 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:


	"Presbyterians Today" launches free trial subscription offer

	Editor says magazine "will sell itself" if people read it

	by Jerry L. Van Marter

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- In a major effort to get new subscribers, "Presbyterians
Today," the award-winning magazine of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is
offering free trial subscriptions to congregations.

	Eva Stimson, the magazine's editor, said, "Our goal is to get
"Presbyterians Today" into the hands of as many Presbyterians as we can.  We
believe that if people have a chance to see and read "Presbyterians Today,"
the magazine will sell itself."

	Congregations can receive enough free copies of three issues of
"Presbyterians Today" for session members and other key leaders by calling
1-800-524-2612.  All that is asked is that sessions make a commitment to
consider an every home or other group plan subscription to "Presbyterians
Today" after looking at the free issues.

	"Presbyterians Today," a perennial award-winner in competitions sponsored
by the Associated Church Press and the Religious Communicators Congress,
features tips on how to make worship and ministry more meaningful, insights
on Christian education and mission, Bible study helps, a Christian
perspective on contemporary social issues, inspirational profiles of
Presbyterian members and congregations and articles about what Presbyterians

	For more information about this special offer, call 1-888-728-7228,
extension 5637.

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