From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Expressions of gratitude for the past
24 Jun 2000 19:05:49
Note #5962 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
June 24, 3000
Expressions of gratitude for the past
and hope for the future characterize
opening business session
212th General Assembly comes to order in
Long Beach
by Emily Enders Odom
LONG BEACH, June 24 - Recalling his own indelible impression of the first
opportunity he had to serve as a General Assembly commissioner in 1978, the
Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick, stated clerk for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),
described the Assembly as being illustrative of “the grandeur of what
Presbyterians can do together on behalf of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” And
grand the scene was as 558 commissioners representing 173 presbyteries, 169
youth advisory delegates, 25 theological seminary advisory delegates, eight
missionary advisory delegates, 14 ecumenical advisory delegates, as well as
a host of observers, staff, visitors, guests and others gathered to
inaugurate the business of the 212th General Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.) Kirkpatrick’s opening remarks also called for “a General
Assembly that brings glory to God and renewal to the life of our church.”
Outgoing moderator, Elder Freda Gardner, enlarging upon the charge given by
Kirkpatrick, emphasized the importance of the worship life of the Assembly,
which “calls us back to the task for which we are gathered.” In her own
poignant report, Gardner highlighted her many travels and undertakings as
moderator, underscoring her remarks with a litany of gratitude to God for
the opportunity to serve, and thanking the church’s individual members in
all of the places where she was “welcomed, listened to and give a place on
your dockets.” A standing ovation by a grateful denomination followed
Gardner’s affirmation of Presbyterians as those who give “their precious
time and resources again and again that all may know themselves to be
beloved of God and redeemed to new life by Jesus the Christ.”
Gratitude continued as the order of the day as the Rev. Eugene G. Turner,
associate stated clerk, stood to be recognized for his faithful work in the
area of ecumenical relations, his unwavering commitment to Christian unity,
and his sense of justice for all God’s people. Turner, whose retirement is
a mere few months away, was heralded by Kirkpatrick as one of the great
leaders of the church, whose life has been a living demonstration of Jesus’
prayer that all may be one. In rising to speak, Turner said, “It has been
for me a great 38 years of ministry in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),”
noting that the “PC(USA) is at its finest hour when it seeks the ecumenical
unity of Christ’s Church.”
Other notable highlights of the opening session included a report by
General Assembly Council executive director John Detterick, who summarized
the ongoing consultation process with synods and presbyteries called for by
the 211th General Assembly. Detterick also introduced the related new
publication, “Glimpses”, which will attempt to explore the theme of the New
Testament Church in the New Century, reporting on glimpses they have seen in
and through these consultations. Reports were also given by Donetta
Wickstrom, chair of the General Assembly Council, and by her colleagues
Roberto “Beto” Delgado, Peter Pizor, Joanne Hull, and George Inadomi. One
of two videos shown before the Assembly was an introduction to the work and
the life of the Presbytery of Los Ranchos, host presbytery for the 212th
General Assembly. Bill Saul and Adele Langworthy co-chairs of the Committee
on Local Arrangements, concluded their report by presenting a colorful,
stained glass memento to Moderator Gardner, indicative of the overall spirit
of gratitude that prevailed in these opening hours.
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