From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Outlook dinner is “test run” for moderator candidates
24 Jun 2000 21:24:25
Note #5963 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Outlook dinner is “test run” for moderator candidates
By Eva Stimson
LONG BEACH, June 24--Close to 400 people got a preview of the four
candidates for moderator of the 212th General Assembly at a dinner sponsored
by the “Presbyterian Outlook” Saturday evening. After drawing straws to
determine order, each candidate spoke for an allotted five minutes.
“This is the 25th year that the “Outlook” has sponsored some kind of event
featuring moderatorial candidates,” said Robert H.Bullock Jr., editor of the
independent weekly magazine, which carries news and commentary on the
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He called the event “a kind of test run for
the candidates.”
Bullock introduced a number of notable people present at this year’s
gathering, including heads of church agencies and a dozen former moderators.
He also recognized “Outlook” board members, columnists and current and past
reporters for the magazine.
Encouraging those present to visit the “Outlook’s” Web site
(, Bullock commented, “We’re trying to maintain a cutting
edge in providing news that Presbyterians need to know.”
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