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Adventist Flag Now Flies Over Toronto
APD <>
27 Jun 2000 11:21:49
June 26, 2000
Adventist Press Service (APD)
Christian B. Schäffler, Editor-in-chief
CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland
Fax +41-61-261 61 18
Adventist Flag Now Flies Over Toronto
Toronto, Canada, 26.06.2000/ANN/APD The flag of
the Seventh-day Adventist Church now flies from
the flagpole of City Hall in Toronto.
The flag-raising ceremony on June 26 attended by
Toronto mayor Mel Lastman and Adventist leaders,
church members and youth marked the recognition of
the Church's World Session that begins June 29.
Already 8,000 Adventist pastors are in town for
the World Ministerial Council, and their numbers
will be swelled by delegates and visitors to an
expected 60,000 by Session's end.
Speaking at the ceremony, Church president Jan
Paulsen spoke of the meaning of flags and symbols
in conveying deeper ideas.
"To raise the flag is to raise the values and
ideals for which the flag stands," said
Paulsen. "The pomp and ceremony, the respect and
colourful traditions that surround such symbols,
reflect the appreciation we have for abstract
principles of honour, loyalty, justice, truth and
right. The flag of any nation is associated
with what is valued most, it represents what is
aspired to, what is considered of true and lasting
value. I salute all that is good and true, and the
principles of justice and democracy that are
represented here."
Paulsen then identified the elements of the
Adventist flag. "So too with the flag we raise
today. It is symbolic-even the image reflects
this. The open Bible at the base of our logo
emphasizes the foundation of the Seventh-day
Adventist faith-the word of God. The cross at the
centre points to the source of salvation-the gift
of God himself on the cross. The symbolic flames
represent the spirit of God, and the dynamism of
such a spiritual life in Jesus. And the space in
the centre of the flames is a sphere-planet Earth,
symbolizing the mission of the Church to the
"The Seventh-day Adventist Church takes very
seriously its commitment to be a relevant and
involved part of the community," Paulsen
continued. "That is why we are so active in
community health, positive lifestyle seminars,
relief and development aid, drug awareness
programs, helping the homeless, and many
other vital social issues. Such activities,
carried on by Adventists around the world,
are examples of how actions are more important
than words, and that what you believe must make a
positive difference to those around you."
He concluded with a wish that in coming to the
city we will "make a real difference to the life
and experience of Torontonians, and we hope our
presence will not cause too much disruption. We
truly appreciate the warm welcome of the mayor and
the city of Toronto, and the privilege of raising
this flag to fly through the time of our World
Session here, until July 8. We trust we will
be worthy of the values symbolized in our flag-
Christian faith, hope and love-and that during our
stay here many will come to know us better, and
the values to which we are committed." (News
editor: Jonathan Gallagher for ANN/APD)
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