From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Take home a gift that makes a difference

Date 27 Jun 2000 16:18:37

Note #6016 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:


	Take home a gift that makes a difference

	by Sheila Buttner Law

LONG BEACH, June 27 - Hundreds of artisan families around the globe will be
better off because of  your purchases at the SERRV International booth. 
Craftspeople from over 30 countries provide the diverse gifts available
there.  In turn, SERRV pays them a fair price for their work, making a
better income for them a real possibility.

	The General Assembly of the PC(USA) affords SERRV the single best
opportunity to promote and share the 50 year old non-profit program.  During
the rest of the year over 700 local PC(USA) congregations hold sales which
add significantly to the five million dollars in annual sales.

	Stop by the SERRV display to see beautiful rugs woven by former Nepalese
garbage collectors or choose a clerical stole cross-stitched by Palestinians
or one embroidered by Bosnian women trying to find hope through their group
"Sarajevo Phoenix."

	Enliven your church music program with percussion instruments from Prescaft
in Cameroon including a juju bean rattle or shaker gourd with pine cones. 
Don't miss the versatile drums, unique Nepalese instruments, or Bolivian
goat toe nails.  Tuck into your suitcase beautiful jewelry from Kenya,
Mexico, or Peru.

	Find a perfect gift for a loved one, and provide needed income for someone
far away at the same time.

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