From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Rules of Discipline

Date 27 Jun 2000 20:14:15

Note #6026 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:

June 27, 2000

 Rules of Discipline amendments to go to Assembly

	by Nancy Rodman

LONG BEACH, June 27- The Assembly Committee on Polity will recommend to the
212th General Assembly a series of amendments to the Rules of Discipline. 
If approved by the Assembly, the proposed amendments will be sent to the
presbyteries for their affirmative or negative votes.

	Proposed amendments to the Rules of Discipline, Chapters VI (Remedial
Cases), VIII (Appeal in a Remedial Case), and XIII (Appeal in a Disciplinary
Case) would extend certain time limits in certain remedial cases and appeals
to make them more realistic, reduce paperwork, and streamline the process if
a complaint or appeal is dismissed for failing to meet basic requirements.
	Two related proposed amendments to Chapter XII of the Rules of Discipline
would, if sent to the presbyteries and approved by them, permit permanent
judicial commissions to recommend restitution by offenders to victims of

	Any financial restitution recommended under the proposed amendments would
be voluntary in nature and would not violate the established precept that
church discipline is not for punishment.  It would grant to permanent
judicial commissions a power of discretion that they do not currently have.

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