From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Former moderator addresses retired ministers
27 Jun 2000 21:13:37
Note #6032 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
June 27, 2000
Former moderator addresses retired ministers
by Emett H. Barfield
Long Beach - June 27, The Association for Retired Ministers, their Spouses
and Survivors met for its second annual luncheon meeting Tuesday. The
purpose of the organization is to seek to meet the needs of honorably
retired ministers, their spouses and survivors through worship, major
presentations, discussion groups, fun and fellowship.
The keynote address was given by the Rev. Harriet Nelson, moderator of the
196th General Assembly. The former moderator pointed to two major problems
with retirement. The first is the attitude of others toward retirees, i.e.
they are irrelevant and second, the retirees attitude toward themselves.
They have gone from “whose who” to “whose he or she?”
Moderator Nelson offered advice to the group saying, ”God gives us gifts
for special purposes. Be open because it not might be what we expect. When
we discover that needful thing, empty ourselves for others and we will be
filled full.”
John I. Rhea, consultant/assistant for adult ministry, reviewed the
history of the organization.
He pointed out that from their first convention held in Louisville, in 1997,
each convention has grown in enthusiasm for the association and in numbers
of participants. With the program theme “Celebrating Presbyterianism during
the 20th Century” the attendance this year was 225 from 71 presbyteries, 16
Synods, and 31states. Rhea explained that there are 10,000 retired clergy,
10,000 spouses, and 3,000 survivors, which provides a significant human
resource for the denomination.
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