From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Board of Pensions, Health Ministries Office launch healthy heart
29 Jun 2000 14:42:53
Note #6059 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Board of Pensions, Health Ministries Office launch healthy heart campaign
Annual 5K event kicks off new program
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LONG BEACH, June 28–Finally. In my fifth year of running the Board of
Pensions 5K race, I finished first in my age group!
Yep. I defeated every other runner born on February 22, 1946.
The annual run – and walk, wheelchair roll and "fun walk" for kids – was
co-sponsored by the PC(USA)'s Office of Health Ministries and the
Presbyterian Health Network and marked the kickoff a new wellness campaign
called "A Change of Heart."
The campaign invites all employing organizations in the church to adopt one
heart disease-related issue and conduct education and advocacy around that
issue. The six issues are smoking, exercise, weight loss, diabetes control,
cholesterol reduction and blood pressure control.
"Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the country and
certainly the most expensive health-related cost for the Board of Pensions,"
Board president Rob Maggs said. "If we can reduce heart disease, we can
reduce deaths and health care costs."
Bernellyn Carey, the board's manager of health promotion, said "A Change of
Heart" is a campaign that applies to all Presbyterians. "There are some
[heart disease] risk factors, such as genetics, that we can't control," she
said. "But these six factors we can control."
Numerous church officials have also endorsed the campaign. "I lost my
mother to the gradual effects of the heart valve damage done by rheumatic
fever in her young adult years," said Worldwide Ministries Division director
the Rev. Marian McClure. "I'm grateful to have the choice to get exercise
and I personally urge all Presbyterians to make healthy-heart choices for
their lives."
The run benefitted "Power 4 Youth," an outreach to youth and young adults
supported by Los Ranchos Presbytery, the host presbytery for the Assembly.
Val Parker, executive director of the program, endorsed "A Change of Heart,"
saying that building healthy bodies is integral to a program of developing
well-rounded adults.
More information about "A Change of Heart" is available from the Board of
Pensions Health Promotion office at 1-800 773-7752, extension 7430, or from
the Health Ministries Office of the National Ministries Division at
1-800-728-7228, extension 5793.
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