From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Sarah Haile sees Assembly as learning experience
29 Jun 2000 14:44:55
Note #6057 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Sarah Haile sees Assembly as learning experience
by Sue Boardman
LONG BEACH, June 29 – Sarah Haile, the 212th General Assembly Youth Advisory
Delegate from Utica Presbytery, grew up in the Stone Church in Clinton, N.Y.
Reflecting that the youth group in that church was "not real active" Haile
had to find her "own way to do things in the church and her own people to do
them with."
Like other YAD's at this Assembly, Haile attended the Connection '97 youth
event which she describes as being "hard but empowering." The event drew her
into the larger church and gave her an opportunity to begin to learn about
parliamentary procedure and the Presbyterian form of government.
Haile just completed her freshman year at the College of Wooster, a liberal
arts institution related by covenant to the Presbyterian Church, (U.S.A.) in
Wooster, Ohio. Contemplating a major in religious studies with a minor in
math, she says that she chose Wooster because it had the best programs for
her, but she loves it because of the people.
After her work in Long Beach as a member of the Pension & Benefits
Committee, Haile will return to a summer job in a New York hospital's
purchasing department and print shop. She hopes to go home with a better
understanding of her faith and of the way in which the PC(USA) works.
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