From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Development of special resources and reprint of sexuality curriculum
29 Jun 2000 16:43:15
Note #6066 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Development of special resources and reprint of sexuality curriculum
approved as issues of sexuality dominate report
Assembly Committee on Christian Education & Publishing
by Emily Enders Odom
LONG BEACH, June 29 - Spirited debate on two overtures, 00-38 from the
Presbytery of San Francisco and 00-70 from the Presbytery of John Knox,
occupied the bulk of the Christian Education & Publishing Committee's docket
time before the 212th General Assembly Thursday morning. As a fire alarm
pierced through the commissioners' passionate views on both sides of the
sexuality debate, Moderator Syngman Rhee observed that the more difficult
and sensitive issues before the Assembly, whether ironically or
intentionally, appeared to set off the alarms. "This is not the way," he
It was later reported by the stated clerk that the fire alarms had indeed
been triggered by heat sensors for the second time in two days.
Overture 00-38, which called for the development of resources for pastoral
care with gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons, their families,
and friends, passed the Assembly, by a vote of 423 - 82, with eight
abstentions. While several attempts at amending the overture failed, one
amendment to "consult Scripture and the Confessions of our denomination in
developing resources," was successful.
Overture 00-70, which concerned the reprinting of the "God's Gift of
Sexuality" curriculum, was also debated at length before being approved.
The action allows for the curriculum to be reprinted and distributed with
"an interpretative insert sheet" and order form pertaining to 'Sexual
Abstinence and the Abundant Life.'"
The Assembly amended the overture by directing the Curriculum Publishing
Program Area. "to move with all deliberate haste" to complete a revision
of "God's Gift of Sexuality" as mandated by the 211th General Assembly and
to present the revised curriculum to the 214th GA (2002) for approval.
Commissioners also approved the amended and restated bylaws of the
Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, and an amended version of a
commissioners' resolution asking for an exploration of ways in which "The
Presbyterian Hymnal" and the "Book of Common Worship" could be made
available in braille in the most cost-effective ways. In speaking to the
resolution, one of its authors, commissioner David Spaulding of the
Presbytery of Northern New York, noted that the cost of one copy of "The
Presbyterian Hymnal" in braille currently exceeded $600.
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