From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Pastor challenges worshippers to "walk the talk" of prayer
30 Jun 2000 16:48:24
Note #6090 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Pastor challenges worshippers to "walk the talk" of prayer
by Alexa Smith
LONG BEACH, June 30 – A Florida pastor told commissioners to the General
Assembly that "real prayer" means living lives that are noticeably changed.
"Prayer is not an excuse to be what we want to be," said the Rev. Sandra
Luciano-Andujar of El Buen Vecino in Kissimmee, Fla., stressing that prayer
means listening to God as much as it does talking to God. "We cannot go on
with our own pursuits and accomplishments ... Prayer helps us recognize who
we really are and who God really is."
Luciano-Andujar preached from the theme, "For All Are One in Christ ...
Through Prayer," the second-to-last worship in a week of services that have
stressed unity in the Body of Christ, the church.
Liturgist the Rev. Dale Lindsey Morgan, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church in Santa Barbara, Calif., led the morning's contemplative prayer,
accompanied by music written by the Taize worshipping community.
The preacher said that authentic prayer ought to be visible in acts of love
by believers and that Christians ought to be asking themselves, "Are my
prayers telling people something or are they going unnoticed?"
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