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Stated Clerk urges President to step up Middle East peace efforts

Date 16 Oct 2000 13:27:41

Note #6217 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:


Stated Clerk urges President to step up Middle East peace efforts

Editor's note: The Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick, stated clerk of the
Presbyterian Church (USA), on October 16 issued the following letter to
President Clinton, Vice President Gore and Secretary of State Madeline

Dear President Clinton:

	We are dismayed by the terrible cycle of violence that has been unleashed
among Palestinians and Israelis as a result of the visit of Ariel Sharon,
following noontime prayers, to Al-Haram Al-Shaarif/The Temple Mount. The
events of recent days have all but crushed the hopes and aspirations of
people around the world that Palestinians and Israelis  could learn to live
together in safety. The havoc that has been wrought may, in fact, be the
death knell, not only for what was achieved in Oslo, but also for the
possibilities for your own massive investment in bringing about a peaceful

	Numerous General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have
expressed concern for the recurring conflict in the Middle East and have
repeatedly supported, prayed for and affirmed every effort directed toward
the establishment of a just and enduring peace. We have consistently called
for the self-determination of Palestinians, including their right to an
independent and sovereign state, security for Israel and a Jerusalem shared
by both Israelis and Palestinians and freely open to their three religions,
Judaism, Christianity and Islam. We have worked diligently to understand and
to interpret a situation that is both difficult because of the region's
historic complexity and hopeful because the religions of its peoples are
grounded in the faith that God is sovereign over history and destiny.

	While we deplore hostage taking and the brutalization and murder of Israeli
soldiers, such acts simply do not justify  the unconscionable, massive
retaliation of the Israeli military, including indiscriminate shooting of
children and adults on the streets, the denial of access to emergency
medical care and relief supplies from the international community, and the
rocket attacks on apartment buildings containing innocent civilians. Surely
you can understand the frustrations of Palestinian Christians and Muslims
forced to live under a clear form of apartheid, in which their land has been
expropriated and turned into hostile illegal settlements, their workers
denied access to their jobs, their homes destroyed  and their basic human
and civil rights denied.

	We are writing to you with special concern over the fact that the United
States has stood for many years in a unique position of opportunity in
resolving the conflict in the Middle East. There has been much rhetoric
about the desire of the U.S. to be "an honest broker" between the parties.
We regret to say that in recent months, that possibility seems to have faded
in the face of what many in the Middle East and around the world see as a
bias toward Israel and as a declaration of support for Israel's continued
occupation of Palestinian land and of Israel's intention to use
extraordinarily violent means to stop the backlash against their abuse of
the Palestinian people. In this regard, we call upon you to disassociate
yourself from the stance that appears to blame the victims of this long-term
oppression, as the primary cause of the violence.

	We urge you in the strongest possible terms to use whatever influence is
left to you in this situation, working with the United Nations and the whole
international community, to find a resolution to this conflict that is
marked by justice for the Palestinian people, without which there will never
be peace in the region.  We pray that as you enter the pending summit in
Cairo, you will be prepared to insist on the right of the Palestinian people
to independent existence in their own sovereign state with a capital of
their own choosing,  to the security of the people of Israel, and a
Jerusalem that is shared by Israelis and Palestinians alike, open to the
great faiths of Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

	May God grant you the strength and the courage to do everything possible in
the cause of a just and lasting peace.


Clifton Kirkpatrick
Stated Clerk

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