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Israeli Helicopters Attack YMCA, Shepherds Fields

Date 01 Nov 2000 10:03:13

Topic: Israeli Helicopters Attack YMCA, Shepherds Fields

Contact: Dr. Nader Abu-Aunja, Field of Shepherds YMCA
Tel: (973.2) 277-2731, or 277-2185
Judeh Majaj, YMCA East Jerusalem
Tel: (973-2) 628-6888

Jerusalem, October 29--The YMCA in Beit Sahour, near Bethlehem, was subject
to an unprecedented attack by the Israeli Occupation forces during the last
two days. Israeli Helicopters and forces in the "Osh Al-ghurab" military
camp near Beit Sahour joined in the attack.

Bombing and shooting started from around 5:00 PM on Friday 27 October
2000 until 2:30 AM on Saturday 28 October 2000. The neighboring houses were
also subject to direct hits, which caused severe damages and terrorized its
residents especially the children.

The assault resulted in damages to all the YMCA facilities by many
bombs and a massive number of bullets of all descriptions and sizes.
The administration offices, the training hall, the men and women
dormitories, the special bus for transporting the physically
challenged, the "Play Therapy" room, developed especially to ease the
psychological stress from the children who are victims of violence,
the vocational training department and even the facilities that serve
the Shepherds field visitors were exposed to direct hits.

The Young Men Christian Association being an association that
provides humanistic services to the physically challenged, to the victims of
political violence and to the marginalized sector of the Palestinian
people, questions the meaning of this assault on our premises and the
wisdom behind it, we declare that this assault shall further enhance
our commitment and adherence to the destiny and the just cause of our
Palestinian people. We deem the assault as a fierce attack on all
International declarations, resolutions and practices. The assault is
a clear violation of human rights and specifically to the Geneva
Convention in relation to protection of civilians under occupation.

We appeal to all bodies concerned about peace and security to all
people to support our efforts in order to:

1- Immediately stop the Israeli acts of violence on Palestinian
civilians and institutions.

2- Immediate interference to protect the Palestinian People through a
mechanism that also ensures that the Israeli Forces shall not
practice this loose application of force by bombing and shooting
which reached an illogical irrational, unprecedented level, far
beyond any imagination.

3- To hold the Israeli government and the Israeli Prime Minister
personally responsible for the crimes that are committed against
our Palestinian civilians.


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