From the Worldwide Faith News archives
ELCA Identity Project Scheduled for National Cable Television
30 Nov 2000 06:30:26
November 30, 2000
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA) launched 30-second television spots on national cable network
television beginning Nov. 27, to run through Dec. 14. The television
spots are part of the ELCA's Identity Project, a multimedia effort aimed
at raising awareness about the Lutheran church.
The spots are intended for audiences between the ages of 24 and
49. Cable networks were selected based on their ability to deliver
information about the church to this age group. The networks are CNN,
CNN Headline News, E! Entertainment, Lifetime, Nick-at-Nite
(Nickelodeon), TBS, TLC (The Learning Channel), TVLand, and USA. TBS,
Lifetime, USA and Nick-at-Nite are four of the top five networks
intended to target the adult audience. E! Entertainment will air spots
designed for younger generations, while spots on CNN and CNN Headline
News will deliver information to older adult audiences.
The two 30-second ELCA television spots were designed to
communicate with audiences popularly identified as "Xers" and "Boomers."
The popular music backgrounds -- "Have a Little Faith in Me" by John
Hiatt and "Reach Out" by the Four Tops -- and the images and narration
were developed toward that goal.
"We wanted to be sure that as a church we're not talking to
ourselves, but rather with those who currently have no church
relationship," said Kristi S. Bangert, Identity Project manager and
director for internal church communication and marketing, ELCA
Department for Communication.
The Identity Project uses broadcast and print advertisements to
reach new audiences with information about the ELCA. The project
includes an English-text Web site to provide information:
The church's Spanish-language Identity Project includes
television, radio and print materials developed for use in areas where
ELCA congregations use Spanish as their primary language for worship,
education and outreach. Its Web site is
Aid Association for Lutherans (AAL), a fraternal benefits society
based in Appleton, Wis., committed $1.75 million for the Identity
Project. The ELCA Church Council has provided nearly $3.5 million for
the project, including a commitment of $2 million in 1999 from ELCA
reserve funds.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG
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