From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Publisher is providing resource package to newly ordained
04 Dec 2000 08:00:12
Note #6284 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Presbyterian ministers
Publisher is providing resource package to newly ordained Presbyterian
PPC material is intended to help tyro ministers get off to a running start
by Evan Silverstein
LOUISVILLE -- The Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (PPC) recently
expanded its denominational benevolence initiative by launching Equipping
the Saints, a program that provides free resources and special discounts to
newly ordained Presbyterian clergy.
"It provides a way of congratulating the newly ordained, while helping to
equip them for ministry," the Rev. Thomas L. Vandergriff, PPC's manager of
church relations, said of the program, which got under way in October. "We
want to help Presbyterian clergy do the work God has called them to do.
Through Equipping the Saints, PPC is able to present complimentary resources
and make new clergy more aware of their denominational publisher."
Each Equipping the Saints "care-package" includes:
* The Book of Common Worship (Pastoral Edition), embossed with the name of
the newly ordained pastor;
* A one-year subscription to These Days devotional magazine;
* A Book of Reformed Prayers;
* A subscription to Consider This ... A Newsletter for Pastors, including
several back issues;
* A Presbyterian Church (USA) commuter coffee mug from Cokesbury, the
catalog and retail-store partner of PPC (which offers a standing 20-percent
discount for clergy);
* A one-time 25 percent discount on selected books from the PPC catalog.
As names of newly ordained clergy are obtained by PPC's church relations
department, the free books and resources will be mailed along with letters
of congratulations from Vandergriff. The program is starting with clergy who
graduated from seminary last spring.
"With this new program, the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation continues
to place free and highly discounted books and resources in the hands of the
PC(USA) professionals who use and need them most," said Davis Perkins, PPC's
president and publisher.
In the past 24 months, PPC has launched a number of benevolence programs,
including a disaster-relief program for congregations recovering from
catastrophes; an international seminary donation program called Books
without Borders; and a program that seeds new start-up churches with books
and resources called In the Beginning.
The PC(USA) publisher also offers a special internship/scholarship package
for members of racial and ethnic minorities.
PPC, with a publishing heritage that dates back more than 160 years,
produces more than 100 religious works each year under its major trade
imprints, Westminster John Knox Press and Geneva Press.
For more information on Equipping the Saints or other PPC programs, contact
Vandergriff by email at or by phone at
1-888-728-7228, extension 5072.
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