From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Higher Education Award nominees sought
05 Dec 2000 12:51:03
Note #6292 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Higher Education Award nominees sought
Jan. 15 is deadline for nominations
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Nominations are currently being sought for the 2001
Higher Education Award. Deadline for nominations is Jan. 15, 2001.
The award is presented each year to one or more Presbyterians for their
contributions to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)' mission in higher
education. A committee of those serving in higher education ministries in
the church will select the honorees from among those nominated.
To be eligible, a nominee must be living Presbyterian who has worked on
behalf of the PC(USA); must have a distinguished, extensive and long-term
record of service; must be involved in the life of the church; and must have
conducted higher education ministry of national or international
Recipients are usually honored at the General Assembly and an honor roll of
up to four persons will be chosen each year from among those nominees not
chosen for the Higher Education Award.
Nominations should include a statement of how the nominee meets the
criteria and two additional letters of support. They should be sent to the
Rev. Duncan S. Ferguson, Higher Education Program Area, 100 Witherspoon
Street, Room M040, Louisville, KY 40202.
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