From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Australia: State Leader Praises Adventists' Humanitarian Work
05 Dec 2000 15:29:02
ANN Bulletin
Adventist News Network
Seventh-day Adventist Church World Headquarters
December 5, 2000
Australia: State Leader Praises Adventists' Humanitarian Work
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia ... [ANN]
New South Wales Premier Bob Carr acknowledged the community work of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church while visiting flood-ravaged Narrabri in the
northwest part of the state. Speaking to Adventist volunteer Graeme Kent,
Carr said during his November visit, "Whenever there's hail, fire or flood
you, Adventists are always there."
In presenting his Narrabri flood report to state parliament on November 23,
Carr stated, "In the disaster recovery center, I met people from the
Department of Community Services working hand-in-glove with the Salvos
[Salvation Army], Red Cross, and Seventh?day Adventists."
Kent reports that the Adventist-owned Sanitarium Health Food Company has
sent 11 pallets of Weet?Bix breakfast cereal, So Good soy milk, and other
staple food items to the Narrabri region. The local Adventist community has
been involved in food distribution, accommodation, and other relief efforts.
Gary Christian, domestic director for the Adventist Development and Relief
Agency, has overseen the "100 percent Goes to Flood Appeal" and says he is
grateful that the Adventist Church has again been able to demonstrate
Christ's love to those in need.
Heavy rains since late November caused widespread flooding which, at its
peak, covered one third of New South Wales in flood water. The state
government has declared more than 35 natural disaster zones, with heavy
losses of crops, livestock, and the destruction of roads and bridges.
[Lorrelle Evans]
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