From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Commentary: Parents, get involved in kids' spiritual lives
06 Dec 2000 12:56:06
Dec. 6, 2000 News media contact: Tim Tanton·(615)742-5470·Nashville, Tenn.
NOTE: A photograph of Rod Hocott is available.
A UMNS Commentary
By Rod Hocott*
"Come on and join us for the devotional," I said to the two mothers who had
come to help with the youth group and were sitting in the back of the room.
"Oh, no," they said in harmony. "Our kids would kill us if we showed up!"
"I beg your pardon?" I queried. We were headed for the spiritual part of the
evening, and I thought they might enjoy worship time with the youth.
They repeated the "our kids will kill us" excuse, and since I was short on
time and patience to try to convince them otherwise, I left them alone and
went on to the youth room to do my devotional thing.
I was appalled at what I had heard these mothers say, and I couldn't get the
interchange out of my mind. Do parents not attend sporting events, plays,
recitals, concerts or any other activities because they think their kids
might "kill them" if they show up? I doubt it. After all, school functions
are far too important to miss, and those recitals ... well, we just pay too
much money not to attend.
So what makes church any different? Is not our children's spiritual life,
which keeps on going after this life ends, more important than a ball game?
Or a dance recital? Or an A on a report card? The answer is a resounding
Why do parents blame the youth ("they'll die of embarrassment if we show
up") for their inability to get involved with the program? There are two
possible answers: 1) they don't want to make a commitment of their time; 2)
they don't feel secure enough in their own spirituality to make a
To both I say, "Hogwash!"
Commitment challenged? Reread the vows you took when you joined the United
Methodist Church, as well as the covenant you made when your child was
baptized. You said you would give of your time and do whatever it takes to
help your child grow spiritually. This is a lifetime commitment, not just
until your children reach age 12.
Spiritually challenged? Join the millions who feel the same way. (You think
those adults who are currently volunteering know any more about youth
ministry than you do?) Want to do something about it? Get involved with your
kids' youth group or Sunday school class. You will be amazed at what you
will learn teaching others, especially youth. Help your child and help
yourself become a "disciple of Jesus Christ." And keep in mind, your life
may be the only Bible your kid ever reads.
Paul tells us in the sixth chapter of Ephesians that God has placed parents
in authority over their children and that children should "obey their
parents." He also says that parents should not nag or belittle their
children, making them angry and resentful.
The time has come for parents to "reclaim" their children and get involved
in this most important part of their lives. What you do now makes a huge
difference in how your kids handle the future. As a parent, you should be
knocking down the door to volunteer wherever you are needed in the youth
program of your church. If you don't care, who will?
Be brave, be tough, be assertive and tell your kids that you made a promise
to God to do your best to ensure their success in all aspects of their
lives: mental, physical, emotional, social and, most importantly, spiritual.
Don't wait! Call your youth minister or the person in charge of youth
ministry in your church today and volunteer to do something. I promise, you
won't be sorry.
# # #
*Hocott has more than 20 years' experiences as a youth leader and is
currently the Arkansas Area minister with youth and young adults. This
commentary originally appeared in the Arkansas United Methodist newspaper.
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