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US National Council Delivers Pastoral Letter in Jerusalem
11 Dec 2000 19:45:16
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JERUSALEM, December 9, 2000-- Following is the text of a Pastoral Letter
addressed to the Christian Communities in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. It
was written on December 5 and delivered here today by members of the
ecumenical delegation currently traveling in the Middle East as a witness to
peace and reconciliation.
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
December 5, 2000.
A Pastoral Letter to the Churches of Christ in Jerusalem and the Holy Land
Your Beatitudes, Your Eminences, Your Graces, reverend fathers in God, and
all the beloved Christian community in Jerusalem
Grace and peace to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
On behalf of the churches of God gathered by the Holy Spirit in the National
Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, in this time of earthly trial
we greet you with love and in a firm faith that God, creator of all things in
heaven and on earth, is with you in the Holy City that was the place of our
Lord's glorious triumph over death, sin and the evil. For this we offer
praise and thanks.
^From afar in earthly distance, but nearby in our minds and hearts, we have
witnessed with deep distress, sorrow and concern the resurgence of violence
in the Holy Land. We have heard the witness of our brothers and sisters in
Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour, in Ramallah and Gaza, of the
destruction that has been wrought, of the thousands of injured and hundreds
of killed, of the population denied access to food, health care, employment,
emergency services and freedom of movement. Even more, we have heard and
seen the increase in rage and hate, which destroy the soul as weapon do the
Therefore, the General Assembly of the National Council of the Churches of
Christ in the USA offers its prayerful support to the Christian churches in
Jerusalem and the Holy Land, that their continued presence in the land of
Christ's birth, earthly ministry, death and resurrection may be strengthened,
and that they may endure this time its long pain and struggle. Recognizing
that only justice will bring peace, it affirms the establishment of a
Palestinian state alongside Israel, and its call for the preservation of the
city of Jerusalem as a open, shared city where free access to the Holy Places
and freedom of worship are assured for people of all faiths.
Our churches have been called upon to support through prayer Christians,
Muslims and Jews and all those who are working for true justice and peace,
and to convey to U.S. policy makers their concern for peace with justice and
reconciliation in the region.
We have heard that, due to the fighting and violence, to the hindrance on
travel, and to the tragic suffering and death of so many, events and
ceremonies in Bethlehem celebrating the birth of our Lord two thousand years
ago are being canceled. The lights of Bethlehem will be darkened. This news
saddens us, darkening the brightness of our joy at Christ's Nativity. We are
given hope, however, by the words of the Scripture, "those who sat in
darkness have seen a great light". That light is Christ, whose light shines
in our hearts, and illumines all so that we may in the paths of righteousness
and peace.
May Christ Who deigned to be born in a stable in Bethlehem two thousand years
ago, be born again in this year in the hearts of all who worship Him there
and in Jerusalem and throughout the world.
Robert W. Edgar
General Secretary
John L. McCullough
Executive Direct, CWSW
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