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Holy Land Christians Receive World Council Message
12 Dec 2000 18:10:57
Fr. Raed Awad Abussahlin
The Latin (Catholic) Patriarchate of Jerusalem
(972-2) 628-2323
or contact:
Kristine Greenaway
Director of WCC Communications
Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: (41-22) 791.6168
Fax: (41-22) 798.1346
JERUSALEM, December 12, 2000--The leaders of Christian communities in the
Holy Land today received a message from the World Council of Churches in
Geneva. Signed by the Council's General Secretary, Konrad Raiser, and
written with "a heavy heart," the message contains assurances of prayerful
support and notes the tragic loss of Palestinian and Israeli life. The full
text follows:
World Council of Churches
General Secretariat-Geneva
To Their Beatitudes the Patriarchs and Heads of Christian Communities in
Geneva, 12 December 2000
Your Beatitudes, Graces and Eminences,
The Office of the World Council of Churches, meeting on the eve of the Advent
Season, have once again turned their thoughts to you and all the people of
Palestine. They have asked that I write you to assure you of their and the
World Council of Churches' constant prayers.
I do so with a heavy heart, deeply conscious of your pain and suffering in
these days when you mourn the deaths of so many of your children and friends;
when Palestinians suffer the destruction of many of their homes and pass once
again through the valley of the shadow of violence and death. Nor can we
ignore the victims on the Israeli side of the continuing conflict.
In my Christmas message I have pointed out that the World Council of Churches
will soon launch the Decade to Overcome Violence: Churches seeking
reconciliation and peace.
I also recalled the countries-old unwritten rule that at Christmas a
cease-fire be observed in all situations of military conflict. Here I had
particularly in mind our sisters and brothers caught up in the new spiral of
violence in Israel and Palestine.
Desirable as it would be, a cease-fire is clearly not enough. Our shared
goal must be true peace, a peace built on the foundations of justice.
Together with you, therefore, we long for justice for Palestinian people.
Just peace and an end to the vicious cycle of violence is more that an urgent
political necessity. It confronts us with the call to repentance and a
change of heart, the readiness to recognize the God-given dignity and the
rights of the other. It was surely this transformation that the Prophet had
in mind when he foretold the coming of the Prince of Peace.
In these days Christians around the world prepare to celebrate the birth of
the Christ child, confessing anew our faith in God who humbled himself and
took on human flesh in order that we might be reconciled to God and with one
another. Many will draw hope once again from the song of the Virgin Mary,
praising God who "has regarded the lowly estate of his handmaiden" and saying
"His mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the proud in the
imagination of their hearts.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of low degree.
He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent empty
For two millennia Christians have turned at this time of year to the Holy
Place of the manger, Bethlehem, to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Many have
longed once to make the pilgrimage to the manger, there to kneel down before
the birthplace of the Christ child. This year especially, millions
anticipated making this journey, and you have gone to great lengths to
prepare virtually impossible such pilgrimages and those of Christians in
Palestine itself.
Nevertheless, the bonds of faith and love cannot be broken by violence and
war. You are not alone in this tragic time. We and other Christians around
the world will be making a pilgrimage of the heart to the manger, surrounding
and sustaining you now and always in prayer.
May the hope that abounds in this time of preparations for the Holy Feast of
Christmas give birth to a new day of peace and joy and prosperity for you and
all who live in the land which has been forever blessed by the coming of
Yours ever in Emmanuel,
Konrad Raiser,
General Secretary
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