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Peace Delegation Meets with Israeli Leaders, Issues Final Statement
13 Dec 2000 16:55:04
December 13, 2000
JERUSALEM -- On its last day in Jerusalem, the West Bank and
Gaza, an ecumenical peace delegation of American church leaders met
with the mayor of Jerusalem, officials at the Israeli Foreign
Ministry and the top Palestinian leader in Jerusalem and issued a
final statement at a press conference.
The final statement said that the delegation "heard the voices of
people, seen the impact of Israeli settlements that strangulate and
isolate the Palestinian people from one another, heard the terror in
the voices of Israeli Jews and Palestinian Christians and Muslims
alike. We believe that our faith calls us to tell the truth of what
we have seen and that, unless we share with the world what we have
seen, the stones will cry out. We are persuaded that the peace which
must come for all Israeli and Palestinian alike can only be achieved
on a firm foundation of justice."
The statement made "an urgent plea that all parties heed the
moral imperative to do justice," and urges "the community of nations
and all people who love mercy to recognize and condemn this new
apartheid that oppresses the Palestinian people."
In order to achieve peace, the statement said, it is necessary
that Israel withdraw from Palestinian areas to the 1967 borders, in
fulfillment of the U.N. resolutions. It also offered some steps to
achieve justice:
+ both sides cease all acts of violence;
+ Israeli forces end the use of disproportionate force;
+ suspend current sales of U.S. attack helicopters to Israel;
+ stop Israeli confiscation of land, house demolitions, closures,
destruction of agriculture and expansion of settlements;
+ provide immediate international protection for Palestinians;
+ seek accountability for U.S. aid to Israel;
+ provide humanitarian aid for the Palestinians; and
+ devise a plan to share the city of Jerusalem.
Press conference expands on statement
At a press conference, members of the delegation described their
encounters during the visit and expanded on their statement.
Bishop Vincent Warner of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
(Washington) said that his encounter with a nine-year-old girl in the
area south of Gaza City where the Israelis had bulldozed an orchard
put a "human face on the suffering." And that is why, he said, "the
statement is passionate and urgent."
In answering a question, former Bishop Herbert Chilstrom of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) said that the
impression that American churches tend to give greater support to the
Israelis is "sometimes based on a reading of Scripture that says that
this land should belong to the Jews." On the other hand, he said that
he has concluded that "this is a justice issue." Palestinians whose
families go back centuries are being uprooted. "We are here to
protect their rights while advocating the rights of the Israelis," he
Bishop Edmond Browning, former presiding bishop of the Episcopal
Church, responded to a question about the delegation's strategy by
stating that members plan to contact members of Congress and "tell
the story of what we have witnessed." And the delegation is
determined to raise the issue of Palestinian suffering in the
churches they represent, both nationally and
internationally, suggesting ways that the church can be involved in
the search for peace.
Bishop Margaret Payne of the ELCA's New England Synod said that
she had seen "the damage that violence does to all parties,"
convincing her that "all parties must cease violent acts" if there is
any chance for peace.
Jerusalem most tolerant city in world
"No matter what, you can believe that the Israeli people will do
everything in their power to maintain religious freedom," Mayor Ehud
Olmert said in welcoming the delegation to the council room at City
Hall. "It's our source of pride."
Olmert said that "not a single city in the world hosts more
churches," adding that it was his responsibility "to make sure that
every Christian believer can come to the city at any time to practice
their religion without restriction." He pointed out that the Old
City's one square kilometer has "more holy sites than other city in
the world." And he said that, since the war in 1967 when Israel took
the eastern part of the city, "we have protected religious freedom in
a glorious manner, the best in history."
Olmert argued that Ariel Sharon's controversial visit to the
Temple Mount area last September, an area dominated by two of Islam's
holiest sites, was an exercise of his religious freedom. "If Jews
can't visit Temple Mount, then what's the meaning of religious
He said that "nothing was desecrated, not one stone was moved."
While the visit might have been a mistake, "the answer to this
mistake is shooting?" He added, "In the middle of war, there will be
some problems, some provocations," but that everything must be seen
in context.
The mayor told his visitors that "you are our best partners,"
especially since "some societies in the region don't share our sense
of democracy."
He admitted that "we make mistakes. We are under pressure. We are
encircled by many whose tolerance is in doubt. It leads us to wrong
No reason for emigration
The State of Israel is serious about freedom of religion, access
to holy sites, security and helping and assisting all religions,
according to officials at the Israeli Foreign Ministry who are in
charge of religious affairs.
When asked about the emigration of Christians, Ariel Kenneth said
that the phenomenon actually goes back to the seventh century when
Muslims captured the Holy Land, triggering an exodus of Christians.
The Christian population actually increased after the creation of
the State of Israel because they were offered a safe environment with
good education and a standard of living. In those areas under
Palestinian control, however, there has been significant emigration
because of the violence.
"There is no reason for emigration from Israel," said Avi Granot.
In fact, Israel has been absorbing a large number of Christians from
places like Russia and Ethiopia. He is convinced that "a whole
heritage is being lost when cities like Bethlehem become Muslim."
When asked about complaints by Christians about access to
religious sites and a perception that they are second-class citizens,
Kenneth said, "Israel doesn't want to cause any harm to the Christian
population" but it must apply some constrictions because of the war
"There is no freedom in the land when there is war," he said. "We
hold Arafat responsible for turning back to violence."
"You are talking about difficulty of movement during a time of
war. Of course there are limitations, but without exception it is
because of the need for security." That is why, for example, only
Muslims over the age of 45 are allowed to pray at the Dome of the
Rock and al Aqsa in the Old City.
He said that the violence in Beit Jala, a town near Bethlehem
that has been the scene of shelling, is not the work of Christians or
local residents. Those who are shooting at the nearby settlement at
Gilo are actually hoping that Israel will respond, to gain some
sympathy for the Palestinian cause. Israel has the ability to
pinpoint the source of shooting, he said, and is
capable of responding quickly.
Kenneth said that there are lists of Christians and Muslims and
their contributions to the intifada and "we may be doing the
Christians a favor."
Logic not violence
"Our problem will not be solved by violence but by the power of
logic," said Faisal Husseini in welcoming the delegation to Orient
House in eastern Jerusalem. But the Palestine National Authority's
top representative in Jerusalem said that "not only throwing stones
and shooting are violence but also the destruction of homes by
soldiers is violence and the use of identity cards that consider
people as foreigners in their own city."
"There will be no solution, no stability, without solving the
Palestinian problem," Husseini warned. "And that means a Palestinian
Because small states seem less viable at this time in history,
Husseini envisions a regional cooperation. But that raises other
obstacles in the search for peace, including Israeli settlements, the
status of Jerusalem, return of Palestinian refugees, settling the
property claims of both Palestinians and Israelis.
Palestinians accept two states, even though it means that
"Palestinians are willing to settle for only 22 percent of what was
our original land, because we want a better life for our children."
The Israeli settlements, he said, are illegal and are "a time
bomb that could explode at any moment." Unless the issue is solved,
"We could find ourselves fighting each other like the Serbs and
Bosnians." There is no way that Palestinians could accept settlements
in their state because "It would cut the Palestinian state into
On refugees, Husseini said that there are about four million
Palestinians living abroad and that Israel must accept the principle
that those Palestinians have a right to return. But that should be
implemented in a way that would not threaten the Israelis, he said.
"There is still a possibility for peace," he concluded, while
making it clear that making peace is very difficult.
*Jim Solheim is director of the Episcopal Church's Office of News
and Information and is serving as press officer for the peace
delegation. To follow the stories and photos check the Web site of
the Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs:
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG
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