From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Church's education foundation changes its name
15 Dec 2000 09:31:55
Dec. 15, 2000 News media contact: Linda Green·(615)742-5470·Nashville, Tenn.
By Kathy Gilbert*
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) -- The United Methodist Foundation for Christian
Higher Education will become the United Methodist Higher Education
Foundation, effective Jan. 1.
"We are excited to enter 2001 with a new name that succinctly states what we
are about," said George M. Miller, foundation president and chief executive
"Our grand vision is that it be economically possible for any qualified
United Methodist student to be educated at a United Methodist higher
education institution," he said. Last year, the foundation provided 775
scholarships for students attending the 123 United Methodist-related
schools, colleges and universities, and the denomination's 13 seminaries.
The name change hails a new era for the foundation, which has an endowment
of more than $41 million. Two endowment resolutions passed by the
denomination's top legislative body earlier this year, one for the church's
historically black colleges and universities and one for the relief of
seminarian indebtedness, will bring about a wider scope of emphasis for the
35-year-old foundation.
The United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry's Division of
Ordained Ministry, in cooperation with the foundation and the Office of
Loans and Scholarships, will develop a plan to reduce the seminary debts of
candidates for ordained ministry.
The foundation will also work with the board to implement a 25-year plan to
raise $300 million in endowment funds for the 11 historically black colleges
and universities related to the United Methodist Church.
"Our foundation board felt that it was important to meet the growing,
changing needs of students and institutions related to United Methodism,"
Miller said. "These two endowment funds address vital areas of need for the
church that will be critical in this new century."
For more information, contact the foundation at 1-800-811-8110, check the
Web site at (after Jan. 1), or write to P.O. Box 340005,
Nashville, TN 37203-0005.
# # #
*Gilbert is a member of the staff of the Office of Interpretation at the
United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
United Methodist News Service
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