From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Lutheran Students Gather for a "Faith Odyssey" in New Orleans
18 Dec 2000 11:17:15
December 18, 2000
CHICAGO (ELCA) Under the theme "2001: A Faith Odyssey," 450
Lutheran college and university students and campus ministry staff from
across the country will meet in New Orleans, Dec. 28-Jan. 1, 2001, at
the Fairmont Hotel for the 31st national gathering of the Lutheran
Student Movement-USA (LSM-USA).
Students and campus ministry staff from the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA) will meet with others to explore and share
"personal faith journeys" through community service projects, faith-oriented
study, keynote presentations, small group discussions, worship
and workshops. LSM-USA is an independent organization of ELCA, Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod students
at public, Lutheran and other private colleges and universities.
The Rev. Susan R. Briehl, Spokane, Wash., is a keynote presenter
and small-group Bible study leader. Briehl served as executive director
of Holden Village, Chelan, Wash., from 1994 to 1999. From 1986 to 1994,
Briehl was campus pastor at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Wash. --
one of 28 colleges and universities of the ELCA. From 1981 to 1986,
she served as pastor of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Bellingham,
Wash., a congregation of the ELCA.
Dr. Ernestine Montgomery, director for career development,
University of New Orleans, is also a keynote presenter.
Scott Weidler, associate director for worship and music, ELCA
Division for Congregational Ministries, will lead worship.
A highlight of the gathering will be community service projects
designed for participants to put their Christian faith into action, said
Teresa Palumbo, national staff intern, LSM-USA. Participants will help
clean, repair, paint and tile public school buildings in and around New
Orleans, she said. Post-gathering service projects, offered Jan. 2-4,
include participation in "New Orleans Cares," an organization designed
to provide community service projects in New Orleans.
LSM-USA will host legislative sessions designed for students to
discuss and debate issues raised in proposed resolutions and position
papers. Resolutions and position papers considered will represent "the
official stance" of the Lutheran Student Movement and serves "as the
collective voice of Lutheran students around the country," Palumbo said.
During business meetings, students will elect new officers for
LSM-USA 2001. Russell Peek, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary,
Columbia, S.C., is the current president. Cindy Ham, California
Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Calif., is secretary and Lisa
Parker, University of South Carolina, Columbia, is secretary for
international and multicultural concerns. Peek, Ham and Parker are
members of the ELCA.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG
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