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Nominations sought for Restorative Justice Award
20 Dec 2000 08:52:33
Note #6313 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:
Nominations sought for Restorative Justice Award
Deadline is March 15, 2000
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- March 15, 2001, is the deadline for nominations for the
2001 Restorative Justice Award.
The award, presented each year since 1991 by the National Ministries
Division Committee of the General Assembly Council, honors Presbyterian
individuals or groups related to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) who are
making outstanding contributions to direct-service ministries or to advocacy
efforts to change the criminal justice system in the U.S.
The term restorative justice was defined by the 1978 General Assembly as
"addressing the hurts and needs of the victim, the offender, and the
community in such a way that all -- victim, offender, and the community --
might be healed.
To be eligible, the person or group must be involved "as an agent of
justice, service and peace within the community, embodying the church's call
to do justice." The efforts recognized will "ordinarily" involve a
"confrontation with injustice" and a "commitment to transformation" of the
processes and structures that lead to the injustice.
Individual nominees must be members of the PC(USA). Groups must have a
clear connection to the denomination.
Nominations may be submitted by a session, congregation, presbytery, synod,
a PC(USA)-related agency or other group within the denomination.
Nominations by individuals are not allowed.
Nominations must include at least the name of the nominee, the name of the
project or program if there is one, a description of why the nominee is
deserving of the award, and the nominating body's name, address and
relationship to the PC(USA).
Nominations should be sent to the Presbyterian Criminal Justice Program,
100 Witherspoon St., Louisville, KY 40202. For more information, call
1-888-728-7228, extension 5803.
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