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Churches in Europe to elect next bishop in charge
20 Dec 2000 10:07:17
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Deputy Director
Churches in Europe to elect next bishop in charge
by Nell Toensmann
(ENS) Presiding Bishop Frank T. Griswold has agreed to a
request by the Convocation of American Churches in Europe to
permit them to elect the next bishop in charge of the Episcopal
Churches in Europe for the first time.
This decision enables the convocation to have a greatly
expanded list of potential candidates for bishop. Historically,
the position has been filled by an appointed part-time bishop,
usually retired after serving in another diocese, with the
responsibility of providing pastoral oversight to the American
congregations in Europe. An exception to this was the appointment
of the Rt. Rev. Edmond L. Browning as full-time bishop from 1970
to 1973.
With the arrival of the current bishop in charge, Jeffery W.
Rowthorn, in January 1994, the position was increased to a full-
time appointment with greatly expanded responsibilities. The
bishop's current portfolio includes building a closer working
relationship with the other three Anglican jurisdictions in
continental Europe--the Church of England, the Spanish Episcopal
Reformed Church, and the Lusitanian Church of Portugal; forging
closer ties with the Old Catholic and Porvoo Lutheran Churches of
Scandinavia and the Baltic; and broadening the mission of the
Episcopal Church in Europe, in addition to the primary
responsibility of providing oversight and pastoral care to the
existing congregations.
Meeting in their annual convention in Nice, France from
October 19-22, the delegates of the convocation churches passed a
resolution requesting the presiding bishop to call for the
election of the next bishop suffragan. The resolution was
presented because of the convocation's unique standing in the
church. Though not legally recognized as a diocese, it functions
in many of the same ways as a diocese does within the United
States, with eight churches, five mission congregations and four
other-language ministries. One of the main differences is that
the geographical area encompasses five European countries. The
convocation is aligned with Province II (primarily New York and
New Jersey dioceses, as well as Haiti and the Virgin Islands),
but is unique in that it falls under the jurisdiction of the
Presiding Bishop and has not until now shared fully in the choice
of its bishop in charge.
A search committee will now be established to begin
selection of the next bishop in charge of the convocation. With
Rowthorn's retirement at the end of December 2001, the
convocation faces a challenge that must be addressed during the
next twelve months.
--Nell Toensmann is communications officer for the Convocation of
American Churches in Europe.
Following is the letter that Bishop Rowthorn sent to the
December 6, 2000
Dear Colleagues,
On this feast of St. Nicholas I am delighted to report that
the Convocation has just received a splendid Christmas present.
In response to the resolution adopted by Convention in Nice
on Saturday, October 21, the Presiding Bishop has now given his
consent to the election of my successor as Bishop in Charge. The
Episcopal Leadership Working Group is being asked to propose
names to Bishop Griswold to assist him in forming the Search
Committee. These names will be shared with the members of the
Council of Advice for their reactions before being sent to the
Presiding Bishop. However, the actual choice of the members of
the Search Committee (how many members and who they are) will be
for him to make.
I have no doubt that several factors contributed to Bishop
Griswold's decision:
* the fact that the resolution was adopted by Convention with
no votes against;
* the extremely positive reports given to the Presiding Bishop
by the three members of his staff who were present in Nice
(Canons Carlson Gerdau, Patrick Mauney and David Perry);
* the care with which the Episcopal Leadership Working Group
prepared the set of documents requested by the Presiding Bishop
following the adoption of the resolution (and, of course, their
work over the past year and more);
* the excellence of the video which Michele Spike prepared
with your help and with financial assistance from the three
* the spirit which marked the meeting of the Boards in New
York on November 14;
* and, I suspect, the Presiding Bishop's very positive
experience when he worshiped at St. Paul's in Rome on November
19. Taken together, these all made a profound impression on him
and the outcome is an answer to our hopes and prayers.
The coming year will be a moment of unprecedented
opportunity for us in our life and witness together here in
Europe. As I said in my sermon at our final Eucharist in Nice, so
I say again in the name of us all: "Come, Holy Spirit, come!"
With great joy and affection,
Your brother in Christ
The Rt. Rev. Jeffery Rowthorn
Bishop in Charge
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