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Christian leaders determined to continue their witness in Jerusalem
20 Dec 2000 10:07:19
For more information contact:
James Solheim
Christian leaders determined to continue their witness in Jerusalem, despite
dwindling numbers
by James Solheim
(ENS) "The number of Christians in Palestine is dwindling so much that the
situation is becoming dangerous," Armenian Patriarch Torkom II told a visiting
delegation of church leaders from the United States during a conversation today.
"But we are here, and we will be here in the future because the holy places are
not museums." Yet he admitted that "it is a miracle that we have survived."
Christians are determined to "make our presence strong--and to make it heard and
seen," he said.
The Armenian Patriarch and other church leaders said that the churches are
living in some difficult times. "As Christian communities we have our problems.
So far we have not succeeded in stopping the violence--and this is not a local
concern but one for the whole world," he commented. The situation is complicated
by "the presence of extremists on both sides." Sometimes the difficulties are
very direct. The Armenians are one of the guardians of the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre, built over the traditional site for the crucifixion and resurrection
of Jesus. During the march to the church every other week, "We meet Jews who spit
on us," occasionally provoking fights. "These are realities," he said.
"Yet we have been here with a history of 1500 years and our tradition should
be accepted," he added.
"Palestinians and Israelis must live together, whether we want it or not,"
the patriarch said. The goal is for both peoples to live on their own lands in
peace and brotherhood. "We want no one to suffer but to live in peace. We have to
learn, if we don't know already, how to live with each other and pray together,"
he said.
Seeing both sides
"What we need is not people who take sides but those who can see both sides-
-and will help seek and work for justice," Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah told his
"The Palestinian people are under Israeli military occupation and they want
to be given back their freedom, they want the occupation to end," he said, adding
that their patience has worn very thin and there is great disappointment in the
peace negotiations over the last seven years.
That frustration has fueled the recent eruption of violence, the patriarch
contended. The intifada that erupted after the visit of Likud Party leader Ariel
Sharon to the Haram al-Sharif ("the Noble Sanctuary") where the Dome of the Rock
and Al Aqsa Mosque are located was "very spontaneous, it surprised everyone."
In conversations with Palestinian Authority president Yasser Arafat and with
Israeli leaders, Sabbah argues that the Palestinians returned to violence in
order to be heard. He urges Israelis to look at Palestinians "not only as
troublemakers," because "Palestinians don't want to kill Israelis, they are
asking only to be free--and that freedom is in the hands of the Israelis." The
Israelis "may have won wars but they have not won the peace." And that peace, he
said, won't be won through violence. He is calling for "another vision," one
beyond the increasing cycle of violence. Yet he warns Israelis that the
Palestinians are determined to continue the struggle until they gain freedom--
"and that could take many years."
"The peace of the region is in the hands of Israel alone," he said. He is
trying to convince the Israelis that they have the power to make peace. "If we
have peace, it will be thanks to the Israelis. If we have no peace, it will be
because of the Israelis."
Sabbah is convinced that Palestinians "could be good neighbors," citing the
peaceful coexistence of Israelis and Palestinians within the State of Israel for
the last 50 years. Peace would also make the Israelis better neighbors with Arab
nations in the region, he said. "Until there is justice for the Palestinians,
they will face continued opposition from the Arabs."
In response, the Rev. John McCullough of the National Council of Churches
(NCC) said, "We are aware that the rocks of this country are scarred, the soil is
stained by blood. We join you in grief but also in hope, believing that our God
is all-powerful. In time, peace will be established," he said.
Visitors bring encouragement
"I am sorry to tell you how difficult our situation is in Palestine with
many villages and towns closed so that people can't come to Jerusalem to
celebrate Christmas," said Metropolitan Vassilios in welcoming the delegation to
the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate. He added a grim note to the conversation by
noting that "yesterday eight were killed." He asked his visitors to do what they
could to stop the violence "so that peace may prevail." He added, "Violence is
not good for the Holy Land, for both peoples," Israeli and Palestinian.
"This is the first place that peace was proclaimed," added Metropolitan
Vassilios, "but now there is no peace. Either God does not hear us, or we are
not deserving." He said that it is not the role of the churches to propose
political solutions but rather "to identify with those who have a just claim." He
is afraid that people are so filled with bitterness that they are not in a mood
to listen to their leaders.
"We believe very strongly that this place is one where Christians, Muslims
and Jews should be able to stand together and have freedom of expression,"
responded McCullough, executive director of the NCC's Church World Service and
Witness. "We are sad when we hear about the migration of Palestinian Christians."
Both church leaders stressed how important visitors are for the churches
because "they encourage us to bear the burden when it often seems that we are
alone." They urged delegation members to send other visitors to reinforce
Prayer undergirds visit
"Our churches are bound together in prayer," said Bishop Herbert Chilstrom
in his opening comments at an ecumenical discussion at the Greek Patriarchate. He
described how the ecumenical movement in the U.S. "has been a miracle," and "as
a result of the spirit of God walls are coming down. We bring that as part of our
witness to you."
The Rev. Peter Vasko of the Franciscans raised the issue of Christian
emigration again, pointing out that there are only 160-170,000 Christians in a
population of seven million in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. "Christians need
to continue to remain here."
Bishop Munib Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan (and
Palestine) issued an urgent plea, "You must not allow the Christian witness to
cease." He said that the Christian churches here are "the local expression of
Christianity worldwide."
Some members of the delegation felt embarrassment and expressed anger with
the American role in providing military support for Israel. "It is chilling to
see the label of our country on the shells used to destroy homes," said Donella
Clemens of the Mennonite Central Executive Committee.
The delegation has been strengthened by the faithfulness and courage of the
Christian communities in Jerusalem, and nurtured by its own spiritual life along
the way. Serving as chaplain, the Rev. Said Ailabouni led and encouraged prayer
at traditional pilgrimage sites, such as the Church of the Nativity and the
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and also with families who have been forced to flee
their homes because of Israeli shelling.
Same pain, same hope
"We Muslims and Christians live in this town as family, with the same pains
and the same hopes," said Sheikh Muhammed Hussein in his opening comments to the
delegation crammed into his offices near the Dome of the Rock. "We have full
respect for each other."
He echoed comments expressed by the Christian leaders about difficulties of
expressing religion in a climate of freedom. To make his point, he pointed to the
hassle by Israeli security in trying to prevent the delegation from entering the
area--and an attempt to prevent delivery of some construction blocks. He said
that the delegation was "carrying for us hope" that would help overcome
"As Palestinians we deserve to live in peace, just as other nations. We have
hopes that your churches will carry the message to government officials," he
Bishop Edmond Browning of the Episcopal Church said that one purpose of the
visit was "to build solidarity between us." He said that the churches represented
in the delegation were committed to the peace process--and to concern for the
victims of suffering, mentioning the Prayer Vigil for Middle East Peace that
began December 3 in many churches across the nation (see "It is
our intention to continue the vigil until violent acts cease and peace is
achieved," he said.
In response, the sheikh said, "It is well-known that we want international
legitimacy." That would include full implementation of the U.N. resolutions that
say Jerusalem is occupied territory. "We want full implementation, based on
justice and truth." Yet it is not clear, he said, what kind of solution the
Israelis want. "Sometimes it seems hopeless."
He said, "Our people will live side by side with the Israelis--but only with
dignity." He asked for help in pressuring the American Administration "to allow
us to live with dignity as Palestinians."
As the conversation ended, he took the group through Dome of the Rock and
Al Aqsa Mosque, offering historical and theological commentary. He took the
delegation on a dramatic walk, showing the path where Sharon and Israeli troops
had crossed through the area, arguing that "only Prime Minister Barak could have
stopped this provocation." Only outside support would prevent what he called
"an ethnic cleansing."
The delegation presented a crystal plate in the form of a dove, a symbol of peace
in both religions. The sheikh expressed his gratitude for the visit and pointed to a large
print on the wall of his office, expressing his hope that the dove and the peace that it
represents would fly over the city of Jerusalem.
--Jim Solheim is director of the Episcopal Church's Office of News and Information
and is serving as press officer for the peace delegation. To follow the stories and
photos check the Web site of the Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs:
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