From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Pope Urges Prayers for Bethlehem
22 Dec 2000 19:44:51
Contact: Fr Raed Abusahlia
Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
P.O. Box 14152, Jerusalem 911412
Telephone 972.2.627.1652
JERUSALEM, December 21 -- At his regular public audience on Wednesday,
December 20, Pope John Paul II spoke about the Palestinian town of Bethlehem
where Jesus was born.
"In these days, Bethlehem becomes the place to which the eyes of all
believers are turned," the Holy Father remarked. He underlined the
importance of the Christmas celebration in this Jubilee year, marking the
2000th anniversary of Christ's birth. His fondest hope, he said, is that
"Christmas reawakens in everyone the will to be active and courageous
builders of the civilization of love."
In an apparent reference to the tensions that are now afflicting Bethlehem,
the Pope went on to say that "on the road to a better understanding among
peoples, the challenges that the world must face are still many." He called
on all men of good will to join in the effort to promote better relations
between different cultures. And he made a special request for his listeners
to pray for peace in Bethlehem itself for the Christmas celebration.
The Holy Father nominated His Excellency Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, President
of the committee of the Jubilee Year 2000, as his special envoy to preside at
the celebration of the "world day for peace in Jerusalem and the Holy Land"
which will take place in the 1st of January 2001. The Cardinal will deliver
the Pope's message of peace to the Israeli authority and the Palestinian
Authority the message of peace on that same day.
Cardinal Etchegaray will preside the celebration on Monday 1st January 2001
in the Concathedral Church of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem at 10.00
He will also preside at another mass for the closure of the Jubilee Year 2000
in the Basilica of St. Catherine (Nativity Church) in Bethlehem, the next day
Tuesday 2nd, 2000 at 9.00 am.
He is scheduled to meet the president of the State of Israel, Mr. Moshe
Kastav, Israel Prime Minsiter Mr. Ehud Barak, and President of the
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat.
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