From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Web-based demographic service available for congregations, regions
19 Jan 2001 13:54:40
Date: January 19, 2001
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Clifford L. Willis
on the Web:
INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) -- A new web-based demographic service is now available
without cost to regions and congregations throughout 2001. Percept Group,
Inc., a California company, will provide data about religious attitudes,
preferences and behavior to regions and Disciples congregations.
Implementation of the new service recently was announced by Board of
Church Extension and Homeland Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples
of Christ).
"The new priority set forth by our general minister and president to start
660 new congregations in the next 20 years is challenging," said Erick D.
Reisinger, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Board of
Church Extension. "In order to do this, we must be able to acquire
demographic information to strategically locate where to plant new
congregations. The use of Percept will allow us to do this."
Percept, an information company with ministry planning resources on the
Internet, will be available to every region, area, congregation and other
authorized unit. The Internet service allows for immediate response and
printing capabilities.
Congregations can access the web site by going to
Instructions are posted on the web for self registration.
According to Peter Wernett, senior vice president of Percept,
congregations will be able to receive localized information formatted
through their zip code. Also, congregations can access book reviews and
receive information about how to be the church in the 21st century. There
is also a section for feedback.
Board of Church Extension, Homeland Ministries, New Congregation
Establishment, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Georgia and
other private donors have provided funding for the service.
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