From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Correction: Foundation distributions top $13 million in 2000

Date 07 Feb 2001 08:43:59

Date: February 7, 2001
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Clifford L. Willis
on the Web:

(Note to Editors:  Please replace this version of release #01b-8 with the
one dated February 2.  The fourth paragraph has been replaced.)


	INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) -- A record $11.5 million was distributed to causes of
the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) by the Christian Church
Foundation in 2000.

	Almost $2 million was distributed to individuals under income gift
agreements and to non-Disciples related charities, bringing the total
distribution to $13.4 million. This is the first time distributions have
topped $10 million, and is $4 million more than was distributed in 1999.

	The Rev. James P. Johnson, foundation president, was pleased with the
distribution report. "Our ministry is to provide increasing funding for
church-related causes through distributions. Just 10 years ago, the
foundation distributed a mere $2.3 million."

	Distributions also include spending for ministry by Disciples entities
from their funds invested with CCF.

	The dramatic increase from 1999 levels was due to one main factor, said
Virginia Spradlin, chief financial officer and vice president. Several
donors who had life-income gifts died in 2000, and the residual was paid
directly to Disciples-related causes selected by the donor. In 2000, that
totaled $3.16 million. In 1999, the total was just $100,064.

	Here is the breakdown of 2000 distributions, compared to 1999:

	-- General units and recognized organizations, $5.47 million in 2000, up
from $3.5 million in 1999;
	-- Local congregations, $3.09 million in 2000, up from $2.38 million;
	-- Regions, $1.25 million in 2000, up from $1.08 million;
	-- Higher education, $846,900, up from $319,749;
	-- Basic Mission Finance, $797,015, down slightly from $798,776 in 1999;
	-- Individuals and non-Disciples charities, $1.97 million, up from $1.3
million in 1999.

	At the end of 2000, the foundation was responsible for $250.2 million of
the church's money. That represents growth of nearly $5 million from the
end of 1999.

                                                           -- end --

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