From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Commentary: Itinerancy a strategy for church's mission
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Mon, 2 Jul 2001 16:33:08 -0500
July 2, 2001 News media contact: Thomas S. McAnally·(615)742-5470·Nashville,
Tenn. 10-71BP{301}
NOTE: Head-and-shoulder photographs of the Rev. Robert Kohler and the Rev.
Mary Ann Moman are available. This commentary can be used as a companion
with UMNS #300.
A UMNS Commentary
By the Rev. Robert Kohler and the Rev. Mary Ann Moman*
Kohler and Moman: Itinerancy was the mission strategy for the early
Methodists. In its beginnings, it worked well for single men who could ride
the circuits without the demands of family. The early circuit riders
succeeded in taking the Gospel to the furthest reaches of the frontiers of
this country. Today, itinerancy is facing many challenges. We have had many
conversations about itinerancy. We share our thoughts and experiences with
you as to continue the conversation.
Kohler: Elders offer themselves "without reserve to be appointed and to
serve, after consultation, as the appointive authority may determine." This
is the covenant for mission and ministry, which is at the heart of the
itinerancy, but it is a covenant that has been amended and changed over the
years so that its usefulness has been brought into question.
The annual conference is no longer the gathering of only itinerant clergy of
Methodism. In 1939, laity were given equal authority over matters of annual
conference with the exception of decisions on the character of clergy.
Clergy membership in the annual conference was extended to full-time local
pastors in 1984 and then to part-time local pastors and deacons in full
connection in 1996. With the inclusion of these non-itinerant categories of
ministry in the clergy membership of the annual conference, there has been a
re-examination of the nature of itinerancy and its relevance for the mission
and ministry of the church.
Moman: Changes in the 1956 Book of Discipline made changes in the bishops'
authority to appoint pastors. "Every traveling preacher, unless retired,
supernumerary, on sabbatical leave, or under arrest of character, must
receive an appointment." (1956 Book of Discipline, p. 149) Those words
meant that every elder in full connection, including clergywomen, must be
appointed. This change in the Discipline gave clergywomen full inclusion in
the life of the connection.
I was 5 years old in 1956 and had no idea how that decision would affect my
life. It became clearer to me in 1979, when I was in my first full-time
appointment. My husband Richard and I were appointed to two churches in
Indianapolis. We were told that one church would be less likely to accept me
as their pastor and it would be better to appoint both of us to each church.
I suppose it is true that, given the choice, neither church would have
chosen a woman. The bishop and district superintendent took a risk. It
worked. We had a wonderful ministry in those two churches and in the
community. Our gifts and skills were needed for the church's ministry and
Kohler: Critics often say that itinerancy is simply a way to guarantee
security and advancement for clergy, forgetting its purpose as a strategy
for mission. To be sure, there is some truth to this criticism when the
criteria for making appointments focus on salary and years of service.
Others are saying that it is hard to distinguish between the itinerant and
non-itinerant forms of ministry when the tenure of many itinerants exceeds
those of deacons in full connection and local pastors, and the lack of
movement from place to place is coupled with an unwillingness to itinerate
in rural and inner-city parishes.
Moman: Given the rapid change in many communities, it may be that a pastor
could be itinerant by staying in one place! I was pastor at Broadway United
Methodist Church in Indianapolis for more than nine years. During that time
there were many changes in the demographics of the Broadway parish and in
Indianapolis. The new itinerancy may mean learning a new language, helping
communities learn to adapt to change, reaching out to immigrant populations.
Kohler: Itinerancy has been critical to the development of the mission of
the church. As a church, we are working toward the day when a strong body of
clergy faithful to the Gospel and faithful to "making disciples of Jesus
Christ" will lead the church in its mission in the world.
The itinerant system has made it possible for Methodism to go where no
church has gone before: to every crossroad community, every city in every
state. As people pushed into the frontiers of America, the circuit riders
found their way to communities being settled. At its best, itinerancy still
makes that push into the frontier of America possible. Now the frontier is
among immigrant populations - Latino, Pacific Islander, Vietnamese,
Cambodian and Hmong. While our response to the development of ministry of
this new frontier includes the use of lay speakers, lay missioners and other
non-itinerant clergy, the ultimate success of this mission depends upon the
coordination of itinerant and non-itinerant forms of each ministry, which
together can accomplish what none can do alone.
Moman: The covenant itinerancy I share with the elders in my annual
conference is important to me. We share a commitment to be accountable to
each other in our ministry. I have always thought of myself as a pastor of
the annual conference who happens to be appointed to a particular charge
(and now to extension ministry) for the good of the mission of the annual
conference. I am continually reminded that in order to fulfill our mission,
we need to expand the pool of qualified clergy. As important as it is to be
accountable to the conference, it is equally important to be accountable to
the larger connection. Our mission is larger than any given annual
conference. The pool of qualified clergy is expanded when elders in all
jurisdictions are in the pool. Certainly, this complicates appointment
making and enhances creativity for the sake of the mission of the church.
Itinerancy is still a missional strategy. In 1980, the General Conference
said that "appointments are to be made with consideration of gifts, graces
of those appointed to the needs, characteristics, and opportunities of
congregations and institutions, and to program and missional strategy of
conferences without regard to race, ethnic origin, sex or color, consistent
with the commitment of an open itinerancy. Through appointment making, the
connectional nature of the United Methodist system is made visible." (1980
Book of Discipline, p. 252) Itinerancy is our witness that we will work
toward the full inclusion of ethnic persons and women in the total life of
the church.
Kohler: If we are serious about being in mission, let's focus on the
possibilities that itinerancy provides and at the same time address the
inadequacies. Abandoning the covenant of itinerant ministry will not
guarantee a more effective clergy or the fulfillment of our mission "to make
disciples of Jesus Christ."
What is needed is a larger vision of itinerancy. In order for that vision of
a vital and creative itinerancy to emerge, encouragement is needed to:
· Expand the possibilities of deploying itinerant clergy beyond the
needs of the local church.
· Offer full conference membership to those training through seminary
and those who are being trained through the Course of Study.
· Expand the pool of candidates, particularly young candidates, in
order to address the continuing need for a well-trained clergy to places of
mission take precedent over issues of institutional maintenance and clergy
Kohler and Moman: We have shared some of our concerns and hopes for the
itinerancy. We challenge the church - laity and clergy together - to talk
about new forms of itinerant ministry in the 21st century that will enhance
our mission.
# # #
*Moman and Kohler are staff members of the churchwide Board of Higher
Education and Ministry with offices in Nashville, Tenn. Moman is associate
general secretary of the Division of Ordained Ministry. Kohler is assistant
general secretary of the Section of Elders and Local Pastors.
Commentaries provided by United Methodist News Service do not necessarily
represent the opinions or policies of UMNS or the United Methodist Church.
United Methodist News Service
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