From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Episcopal News Service Brief
Mon, 9 Jul 2001 15:55:42 -0400 (EDT)
News Brief
Ferguson appointed associate for ecumenical relations
Tom Ferguson has been appointed as the new Associate Deputy for Ecumenical
and Interfaith Relations at the Episcopal Church Center.
"He comes to this work with wide ecumenical and interfaith knowledge and
experience, which will be invaluable as he facilitates new and ongoing dialogues
with other faith communities and joins me in representing us on various conciliar
bodies," said Bishop Christopher Epting, deputy for ecumenical and interfaith
Currently finishing a Ph.D. in the history of Christianity at the Graduate
Theological Union, Ferguson holds an undergraduate degree from Wesleyan
University, as well as graduate degrees from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of
Theology, Yale Divinity School, and Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. He brings
"a thorough knowledge of the historical development and ecclesiology of the
Anglican, Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Lutheran traditions as developed over the
centuries as well as how these institutions have evolved in the United States."
Ferguson's wife, Shannon Kelly, will be serving as Assistant Rector at
Christ the Redeemer Church in Pelham, New York.
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