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Churchwide Assembly News, Reports Available from Many Sources

From News News <NEWS@ELCA.ORG>
Date Thu, 12 Jul 2001 16:18:30 -0500


July 12, 2001


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- During the 2001 Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA) Churchwide Assembly, August 8-14, Indianapolis, access to
news about assembly issues and actions will be available through a
variety of sources.
     "With the help of Lutheran Brotherhood and Aid Association for
Lutherans, we are pleased to be able to provide a number of ways for
individual members to be connected to the churchwide assembly," said the
Rev. Eric C. Shafer, director, ELCA Department for Communication.  "We
especially are excited about the new opportunity possible on the World
Wide Web.  You'll not only have the news releases, but 'live video' from
the assembly  is available every day."
     Official information about the churchwide assembly will be
available from the following sources:
     + The Internet will be a valuable source of information about the
actions of the churchwide assembly.  Daily updates, news releases, video
news stories, photos, voting results and more will be available at on the Web.
     + LutherLink -- the ELCA's online network system -- is another
source of information during the assembly.  Users can go to on the Web and join the meeting "2001 CWA AT
INDIANAPOLIS."  This meeting will provide frequent informal updates and
opportunities to ask questions and make comments.
     + A special telephone hotline at 773/380-2477 will be available
for assembly news.  A recorded message will be updated every evening
during the assembly.  Daily assembly reports will be available through
the end of August.
     + Also available on the Web site is a schedule of live Web casts
of the plenary sessions and news conferences.  On Sunday, Aug.12 at 4:00
p.m. (EDT), a live Web cast with the Rev. H. George Anderson, ELCA
presiding bishop and the newly elected presiding bishop is scheduled.
Lutheran Brotherhood, a fraternal benefits organization based in
Minneapolis, is providing financial support for the Web casts.
     + By August 1 all congregations will receive a report containing
all actions recommended by the ELCA Church Council to the Assembly.  A
brief summary of assembly actions will be mailed to congregations and
voting members within a week of the assembly and will be available on
the ELCA Web site.
-- -- --
People who will be in the Indianapolis area during the assembly can
obtain a visitor's registration form and assembly information ahead of
time by calling 800/638-3522, ext. 2807, or go to for the form.

*Michelle T. Mills is a senior at Bradley University, Peoria, Ill.  This
summer she is an intern with ELCA News & Information.

For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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